Couple of patch questions

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32 Cal
Mar 10, 2019
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I know patches have been done to death, but can you stand another? What is the difference between cleaning and shooting patches for round ball? I found some Pro Shot cleaning patches that are cotton flannel and look exactly like the "shooting" patches I bought. If the thickness is the same, would they work ok? Also, patch diameter; does it matter how much is in front of the ball, i.e. would a 1" patch work as well as a 2"? Thanks for any advice.
I know patches have been done to death, but can you stand another? What is the difference between cleaning and shooting patches for round ball? I found some Pro Shot cleaning patches that are cotton flannel and look exactly like the "shooting" patches I bought. If the thickness is the same, would they work ok? Also, patch diameter; does it matter how much is in front of the ball, i.e. would a 1" patch work as well as a 2"? Thanks for any advice.
Welcome to the forum!
Looking and feeling are not the same as measuring with a caliper or micrometer. Usually a barrel will like a certain thickness patching paired with the right size ball.
Typically you want a soft fuzzy (flannel) for cleaning. The patching for the ball however needs to have a tight weave and cotton fiber . There are lots of shooters that patch and clean the way it works for them. Not all guns are equal, but in my experience, the aforementioned is a good ball park. With regard to size. IMO perfect is the size you get when cutting at the muzzle with the ball flush. Larger will work, how well, needs to be experimented. Smaller than covering the ball waist will just plain not work.
I would say that you can use about anything for cleaning patches, whereas patching for the ball is usually a more specific type of clothe as Larry says, a little harder to come by, and more expensive...for that reason I don't use my good patching material for cleaning. Using up good Irish linen for cleaning, for instance, would not make sense to me.

Or in other words, I guess if you have lots of it, or money is no object, you could use one cloth for both shooting and cleaning. Otherwise, clean with the cheap stuff, shoot with the good stuff.
A cleaning patch is best if it is soft and absorbent so it grabs and hangs onto the fouling for removal.

A shooting patch needs to be tougher, able to withstand the heat, fire, friction, and pressures of the explosion.

I use pillow ticking for shooting patches and old cotton T-shirts for patches.
If I try to use a cleaning patch for shooting, it shreds and burns through resulting in poor accuracy.
Likewise if I use a shooting patch for cleaning, It tends to be undersized, difficult to run down the barrel and inefficient at removing fouling and expensive.
What others have said is spot on. For decades I have used baby blanket cotton flannel from Walmart for cleaning patches. I buy then cut up into apx. 2" squares. Prior to that there was a big supply of military surplus cotton flannel patches on the market. I never liked those because they didn't absorb moisture.
For patching I currently use pillow ticking and I believe that is the most popular fabric used for that purpose. I also have used denim which is thicker. Bottom line, use what works best for you.
Very common materials for each I have found to be:

Shooting Patch Material:
Walmart Blue Pillow ticking. Sewing section at Walmart, sold by the yard. (about $6/yd)
Looks like this:

Cleaning Patch Material
Walmart 100% cotton muslin
Or you can have it cut by the yard.

Some people get from Walmart, some get from Joann fabrics, some get from other fabric stores. Whatever is convenient.

For both patch lube and cleaning solvent, things really start to diverge there.
Lots of people have various formulas. Many (like I) spit patch the Shooting patch and dab on some MAP onto the cleaning patch.
MAP is equal parts of Murphy Oil Soap, Rubbing Alcohol and Hydrogen Peroxide.
Again, see a shooting line of 20 BP shooters and I'd be surprised if 2 people did the exact same everything.

Oh, then there is cutting at the muzzle, vs pre cut shooting patch.
round vs square cut cleaning patch.

to answer your question about 1" vs 2" cleaning patches, 1" cleaning patch would have to be a really small caliber gun like a 32. (not sure about 36).

If you are talking a shooting patch, if you are buying them, it should say the caliber it is designed for. I think my 40cal I made 1" or 1.25" round shooting patches.
I know patches have been done to death, but can you stand another? What is the difference between cleaning and shooting patches for round ball? I found some Pro Shot cleaning patches that are cotton flannel and look exactly like the "shooting" patches I bought. If the thickness is the same, would they work ok? Also, patch diameter; does it matter how much is in front of the ball, i.e. would a 1" patch work as well as a 2"? Thanks for any advice.
Another thought: When I am in the field shooting I use a good cleaning patch. At the days end, if I am not removing the barrel and doing a dunk in the hot water bucket, I use good old Bounty paper towels. I use several alternating with my scraper, cuz the fouling piles in the breechplug corner. I then final clean with a good cotton flannel patch. Got to be careful with the Bounty....too much liquid cleaner or too tight the jag can push through it. A large role will last you all year.
I use Pro Shot patches for cleaning. They are soft, yet tough enough to not tear apart or have the threads pull out like some of the cheapo stuff. Can you use them to shoot with, maybe, but they're not a tight weave and would probably not grip the rifling all that well, and would most likely rip to shreds upon firing. Best to stick with pillow ticking or denim from a pair of worn out jeans for shooting.

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