This forum is great ! Thanks for all the advice guys. I spent 2 nights searching the web for this type of info and found nothing, until I accidently stumbled on this site. Whitebear mentioned a L&R RPL lock, what is this, because I do like the gun. Is that the trigger assembly ? Im still waiting for someone to give me an educated guess on the year of the gun. Whitebear, you knew it was a second generation, I gave the serial number, It does not say made in spain, any educated guess on the year ? Also I was at Gander Mountain, they said I would be crazy to use fff in a rifle, I realize they cannot recomend something and if I get hurt, then I sue them, but a little more reassurence from you guys would be nice on the 3f pistol powder (I already have some 3f pyrodex laying around) Sorry for being so long winded, but its nice to "pick your brains" for advice, Thanks again Dan