Cva mountain prices?

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36 Cl.
Feb 8, 2021
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Are people really paying 4 to 500 dollars for these? I was looking on gunbroker and saw two one started at 400 and one at 495. Don't get me wrong I love mine but I think I paid 70.00 for it used lol.
Lookin’ at askin’ prices is a poor way to judge value. What they want and what they actually sell for are entirely different animals.
Ya well things are going crazy ,but CVA's do have a growing following. They shoot
accurate. And now with all the scarcity and talk of regulation of gun imports the
prices are rising. I think they are worth the higher prices. Look you get a very
capable hunting rifle that gets the job done well. And they are reliable, light and
cheap to shoot. Be glad you bought when you did. I think all muzzleloaders will
go up 50% or more and should be snapped up. Typically pawnshops had them
used for $150-200 not long ago---but today they are new steel rope at $450-$700.
Are people really paying 4 to 500 dollars for these?

Don't get me wrong I love mine but I think I paid 70.00 for it used lol.

Yes they are, if one floats their boat.

We've all found guns in the past for money that today looks like chump change - but that was then, and this is now.
Some times they post things at a high price and just leave it until someone comes along with more money than since. Yes, the mountain rifle brings more money because of it's rep. Many people including myself feel it's the best production rifle CVA ever put out.
I firmly believe the CVA mountain rifle with the "made in USA" barrel to be the best rifle CVA ever made. So they are worth more than any other CVA. I would put their Spanish barreled rifles mountain rifles next in value.
I have mountain rifles in 54 and 58. I don’t believe I would take less than $400 for either of them. They are good rifles.
Back in 85 I purchased a couple of Ithaca Hawkin,s both 54 Cal. and payed $450.00 dollars a piece for them from the company direct with no shipping charge! I knew the price was excessive but I was in heat and had to have that particular piece! They had been discontinued and I was informed they only had two? I bought both of them! I let a friend have one of them at my cost. As time goes by and prices rise I don't begrudge the price anymore. The only thing I am confused about is these rifles came with the muzzle uncrowned and no browning? Is this normal?
I bought my mountain rifle 2 years ago and paid $150.00. Sure wouldn't sell it for that though. The comment by Trapper Pate that any percussion rifle will bring $300.00 today is pretty accurate. If anything comes up for less than that around my parts it is gone before you can respond. Junk wall hangers are going for $150.00-$200.00 if someone is looking for one.
The moutain rifles made in the USA have Douglas barrels and bring a higher price.

I know very little about BP rifles? Modern weapons are what I mostly dealt with. I do know quite abit about Douglass barrels. They seem to be great barrels. When Marlin started remaking their lever action 45/70 again in 72 they had Douglass build barrels for them. They quit using their barrels in I believe it was 74 and from then on were making their own. The Douglass barrels were cut rifling not micro-grooved like the ones now and in my opinion were better. I am fond of their barrels!
Douglas muzzle loading barrels were reputed to be quite accurate, and were so in my 1970-1980's experience.
Unfortunately their muzzle-loading barrels were of cold-drawn 12L14 steel. That steel will crack now and again when drawn. They ceased advertising such barrels in mid 1980's after a lawsuit. Guy lost most of his hand to one.
Personal involvement on my part, not what I read somewhere.
There’s a NOS mountain rifle kit on gunbroker right now. $300.00 to open, $350.00 to buy now.

There’s also a ‘U.S.A.’ Model that looks to be a poorly finished kit gun, the barrel’s still in the white. $300.00 to open.
There’s a NOS mountain rifle kit on gunbroker right now. $300.00 to open, $350.00 to buy now.

There’s also a ‘U.S.A.’ Model that looks to be a poorly finished kit gun, the barrel’s still in the white. $300.00 to open.
A majority of these Mountain rifles seem to be old kit guns. What's amazing to me is the variety of ways that people tried to "finish" these rifles. They are a real study in amateur aesthetics.The one you pointed out seems to be "scorched" by a propane torch in an effort to give it an "rustic" appearance. There is another, just posted on the same site, that looks like the owner stained it without taking it apart. You can see what looks like stain piled up on the lock bolt washes and the wedge key escutcheons. On top of that, the lock is not case hardened anymore, but appears browned or painted brown. But, they are good guns and represent, for the right price, a chance for the non- professional to re- finish/ experiment without taking big investment chances.

Yep. There’s some real “talent” out there. But still a pretty good price for a U.S.A. Mountain rifle. And finishin’/refinishin’ is a worthwhile off-season project for idle hands.

If l had the funds it and/or that NOS kit would be on their way to my house.

As far as the browned one, CVA case-colors were never anything to write home about anyway. Biggest problem l see there is if they Plum-Browned it while assembled the heat mighta weakened the mainspring.
I do not know at what point CVA changed or adopted different barrels, but I do
know that the Spanish barrel maker that they were using, Bergara, was making
awesome barrels from a new multi-million dollar plant. Those barrels are used widely
by European manufacturers today and among the best produced. They were at one
time one of the very few that could cut progressive rifling. I would not turn down
those barrels. I owned several that were given, by me, to my Sons. In black chrome
they called it. Very spot on. Spanish people are very proud of their guns and guitars.
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I bought a T/C Hawken Percussion 50cal a few weeks back for $497US in nice condition. Watched one sell a couple of days ago here (New Zealand) on auction for $1491US in good condition but just bog standard,,, Danmed near fell over when I saw what it went for. It all depends who wants it.
Yes, supply and demand. The T/C is the one everyone wants. Our family has one unfired.
But for me, I will just as soon have the Investarms or CVA or Traditions Hawken style.
Also, Miroku/Japan made a kit for a Hawken(Sears?) I got one that a sailor finished on a ship that was
awesome. I think that what is so exciting is to just have history-- people stare at you and here
you go into the woods (or coming out) with a pioneering piece and you are depending upon it
for success. Pretty awesome. Very exciting. Very doable. Young people are enchanted. You are a
living legend in their eyes.