Deeper rifling grooves?

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40 Cal
Nov 22, 2023
Reaction score
York Co., PA
I remember seeing a post about someone having the grooves deepened slightly in a production gun. I imagine in an effort to improve accuracy?
Anyone have actual experience with this?
A lot of matches have been won with shallow groove production guns. Most shooters I know who want more out of their production gun get a drop-in barrel that is longer and has deeper grooves. A guy in the club I belonged to in St. Louis won a lot of matches using TC guns with Green Mountain and other drop-in barrels, 36-42” long. .
Like @rich pierce, I lost matches to the same guy.

In general, most of the top shooters in that club prefer barrels with relatively deep, square cut grooves and slow twist. The lands are polished smooth. The tightly fitting patches are lightly lubricated with a variety of lube mixtures and cut at the muzzle. Wiping between shots is also common.
I have a fairly strong preference for deep grooves in rifle bores. My flintlocks have rifling of around .010" - .012" with square cut grooves up to radius cut grooves of about .016". There is an accurate percussion rifle in my safe with approximately .006". I'd like deeper rifling in this rifle but the accuracy with those shallow grooves is already amazing.
the most important thing for accuracy is located behind the bore past the barrel, it is the shooter. there is a lot of sweet music left in a worn-out fiddle, as long as the man playing it knows how,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
To a degree... but in all rifles, there is still only so much you can do for improvement. But why not try to achieve that max benefit?
To a degree... but in all rifles, there is still only so much you can do for improvement. But why not try to achieve that max benefit?
I am 67 years old and have been handloading since I was 10. over the course of my existence, I have done some shooting too and saw a bunch of different shooters and have had the chance to train quite a few in my life. the hardest person to train to shoot is a man that has been a casual shooter that really can't hit the broad side of a barn. the easiest to train is a woman that has never shot. a man thinks he just supposed to know how to shoot because he is a man, and it goes in one ear and out the other. a woman will listen and follow orders, on a gun range anyway:rolleyes: my point is you definitely need to know how to shoot before you start trying to get all the accuracy out of a gun that you can. not saying that about any of the people that have chimed in or the original poster, just sayin most guns can shoot better than the shooter to start off with,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
A lot of matches have been won with shallow groove production guns. Most shooters I know who want more out of their production gun get a drop-in barrel that is longer and has deeper grooves. A guy in the club I belonged to in St. Louis won a lot of matches using TC guns with Green Mountain and other drop-in barrels, 36-42” long. .

I am 67 years old and have been handloading since I was 10. over the course of my existence, I have done some shooting too and saw a bunch of different shooters and have had the chance to train quite a few in my life. the hardest person to train to shoot is a man that has been a casual shooter that really can't hit the broad side of a barn. the easiest to train is a woman that has never shot. a man thinks he just supposed to know how to shoot because he is a man, and it goes in one ear and out the other. a woman will listen and follow orders, on a gun range anyway:rolleyes: my point is you definitely need to know how to shoot before you start trying to get all the accuracy out of a gun that you can. not saying that about any of the people that have chimed in or the original poster, just sayin most guns can shoot better than the shooter to start off with,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Also the easiest person to train on a flintlock is someone who has never fired a modern gun
I have "refreshed" several CVA and Italian barrels that had shallow groves and deepened them to .010 deep with good results,It improves grpups with patched round ball.