Deer liver and heart?

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In german hunter's language the gutts like loung, heart and liver are called the "hunter's little right"(kleines Jägerrecht), because in former times when only the aristocrats were allowed to hunt and to take the deer the king's or monarchs hunters was it allowed to take the gutting. Today it is the same. A hunting guest can always take the guttings from a hunted deer if he wants.

I only prefer the roe liver. I put it in flour and then bake it in the pan. :thumbsup:


Kidneys, Heart and longes are made sour in Germany. All is cut in small peaces and put in a pot. There it is spiced and cooked with vinegar and water. So it tastes a bit sour. It is served together with potatoe dumplings. Mmmmmhhhh! Tasty! :thumbsup:
Slice it thin, dredge in spiced flour, add a full big onion to the pan sliced thin, and cook till well done.
The liver will be black and look like something that has been burnt bad. People will eat it cold for breakfast the next day at camp if it all doesn't go that evening.
Seriously. I hate most liver. The smell makes me want to leave the room even. Deer liver cooked as I described is the only liver I will eat. It is pretty good. People that like liver will actually eat it cold the next morning. Try it if you haven't yet.
Yes I eat the tongue also when time permits cutting it out. It's good parboiled then sliced thin and remove the 'skin'. Place on crackers with deli mustard or pepper jelly. Good!! :bow:
Heart is very good sliced and fried up with some onions. Liver tastes good but it is very grissley. Give it try it won't hurt you!!
Pressure cooker is the key here.Start with
heart and kidneys on bottom,taters and onions and several
garlic cloves.Fresh rosemary and tyme.Add
kidneys,lungs and liver. 1/4 Onions and add over top along with 1"peices of carrots and celery.
When heart and kidney are tender.Release pressure.
Uncover and add a micture of floured beef/chicken
broth,stir and bring to a boil.Remove from heat,
and stir often.Now remove pieces of large meat.
Heart,lungs,kidneys,liver cut up and add to pot.
With the proper gravy,this it great served over
rice or mashed potatoes.
whitetails don't have a 'bladder' per se, just a small bile sac that is on the liver, about the size of a nickel. this must be carefully removed before cutting up for consumption. I 'treat' myself to one serving of the liver, generally we cook a liver at camp. it's high cholesterol you know. people with heart and/or gall bladder problems should go easy or abstain from it. the younger animals have the best eating ones, there is not a bite left, we fry it up with onions after dredging in cornmeal/instant pancake mix seasoned mixture, then add a can of crushed tomatoes to the pan drippings and make gravy, delish over rice or mashed potatos.