jdkerstetter said:
jdkerstetter, I received your PT. You could have posted it here for everyone's benefit.
In the 2 medical dictionary definitions that you provided, I noticed the following:
Definition 1: ....."organs and tissues of the body are not receiving an adequate flow of blood".
Definiton 2: ......."disturbance due to the failure of the circulatory system to maintain adequate perfusion of vital organs."
With these, you are proving my point that blood loss is the catalyst to an animals death shot through the lungs/heart.
On a hunting board, as this, when one uses the word "shock" (accompanied by "400 ft/lbs"), it is a sure bet the "shock" being discussed is hydrostatic shock caused by a certain projectile and loading. At the least, it is a conotation of a certain energy level.
You go on to mention in your PT that "Generally when one bleeds to death they often have enough blood left in their body to support life...it is just not getting to the organs...shock". So, when one bleeds to death, they still have enough blood to sustain life? Huh? Why then did they die?
Semantics (and chicken or the egg scenarios) aside, deer die if the lungs and/or heart are pierced by a 45 caliber prb. A 45 grain 3f charge is very capable of doing this inside 50 yards. Why? The deer will bleed out. Simple and true.
You mention in this thread that "dead is dead". I couldn't agree more.
No matter if Smokepole32 kills his deer with a nicely placed .45 prb over 45 grains of 3f, or, he drops a Patriot missile on top of it.
His question dealt with a certain load working or not.
Hopefully this will clear up any confusion and not create more.
Hey Smokepole32, Good luck hunting. I think you will make some venison!!! :thumbsup:
Best regards, Skychief