Here around Pittsburgh PA, in Allegheny county, there is no limit to the number of Antlerless tags you can buy. The problem is, finding a place to hunt. Every year, more development. The big bucks - and we have the biggest in the state, know where hunting is non-existent. My daughter, here in Mt. Lebanon (a suburb of Pgh), regularly has 4 buck ( 10, 2 eights, and an enormous spike - one horn, like an eland!) that sit within 20 feet of her house. No hunting.
I use to have 16 antlerless in 2 groups that rotated in my backyard. And I saw the biggest buck I've ever seen alive, in my backyard.
Township brought Dept. of Agriculture snipers in with silenced ARs, night vision scopes, lots of corn and apples, and a truck with a shooting tower. They set up down the street from me at night (in the Main Park, between the picnic tables and the kid's play equipment) and slaughtered about 100 deer. I have no problem with that - if you don't shoot them, CWD will rear its ugly head.
BTW, in my experience, many, if not most of the antlerless deer shot, are button bucks. Here in the West, we have to count points (3 on one beam, not counting a brow tine - try doing that when your deer is moving through the brush/trees), and comply with a staggered application setup to get licenses (other than in Special Reg areas like Allegheny cty).
All this is supposed to make for bigger bucks, but I've been hunting 60 years, and I don't see
it, not out where you can hunt.
Enough ranting.