Dental lead hardness

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No I don't think 80 is too light. I think your are fine with 80 gr at least to start, you might have to go up or down. I think that 80 gr or about that is a normal load for long range target. Have you smelted the Rotometal yet?
The Rotometal is very soft you should not have a problem with your bullets at all. If the Rotometal lead is a whisker harder, which it is. In my opinion it will be a little better because the nose won't slump as bad at the shot. I would seriously think about PP'ing them.
You will see LOT's better accuracy.
What bullet are you going to use? You could paper patch that bullet. then size them after you wrap them back to .451
I can't remember the site but I have seen Lee sizers for .446, or another bullet but it is much lighter would be the .43 Mauser. It will cast .446 and the weight is 340 gr with Lyman #2 lead. My guess is it would pour about 360 to 370 with Rotometal lead. Then you could paper patch as poured.
If you want to send me about a dozen of your bullets and I will patch them and size them to .451 for you to try. Ron
Wow thanks buddy I'll try it.
I haven't cast anything from the Rotometal, plan on it this weekend.
Just been using culled Hornadays.
If you want to PM me with your address I would really like to try Paper patching.
Oh ya right now I am shooting Lymans 450 grn .451
I wanted accuracy as well as a little lighter hunting bullet compaired to the 500 plus grn bullets the top shooters are winning with.
I recall a while back that there was different hardness levels from different shooters who cast dental lead. I wonder if the variances were between the lead or the hardness testers. It would be neat to see if this could be replicated scientifically with in this muzzleloading community.
I will be taking part in a test of hardness testers soon. One guy is going to pour a bunch of bullets all in one day. Then he will send them out to a BUNCH of guys and we will all test on the same day. It will be interesting to see what happens. Ron
Awesome keep us informed. I would be interrested As my lead procurment has gone. I have an infinate supply of wheel weights, dental lead comes in about a pound every three months. I have the bag of chilled lead shot I hope to take Paulvandigm's idea and swap it for real soft lead. I guess I need to look in the trash for old pipes to take that lead out of.