Hello all,
I have been looking at a .44cal screw barrel caplock "boot gun" from DGW. My question is this, does anyone out there own one, and is it as nice as it looks ? Any comments would be greatly welcomed. :idunno:
I own two and they are neat little guns. I load mine with 10 grains of 3f 777 then put a .454 ball on top of that then screw the barrel back on. Goes bang every time and pretty accurate at very close range.
You can use Pyro P or 3f black if you want. I use the 777 because its hotter and I get better velocity. It can be fussy though. Once I loaded with 777 popped a cap on it and got a fizzle instead of a bang and the ball barely made it out of the muzzle. I don't know if that was the powders fault or mine.
Thankyou very much for the loading data. I will probibly use Goex cause thats what I have. The little gun is telling me I NEED ONE ! tax retun money will be here soon, BUT Wife wants another flat screen. Will see who gets what then :haha: