Somewhere in the 1940s British bombmakers were trying to design a bomb that would skip across water then sink and blow up a dam . One of thier most successfull experiments was with large round containers filled with explosives and they made an amazing discovery while trying to propel spherical shaped bombs . If they dimpled the bomb it would travel twice as far as a smooth surfaced one with a trajectory half as great . They invented the modern golfball . The round ball causes drag behind it slowing it down quickly and shedding energy while a dimpled ball disturbs the air in a totally different way and the resulting drag is half as much . With the same ammount of energy for propulsion a dimpled ball will travel twice as far as a round one and travel in a trajectory half as flat , which brings me to our kind of roundballs . We use minis and maxis for hunting because the round ball , due to it's airodynamics slows down , sheds energy and drops like a rock . It works on bombs and it works on golfballs so why wouldn't it work on our lead balls . In fact in the british experiments they did use marbles and lead ball and the dimpled ones did just as expected . Has anyone ever tried to design a dimpled roundball or a mould for such ? I see no reason that with a tight patch a dimpled roundball couldn't shoot accurately , trajectory and energy comparable to a maxi . The dimples on a golf ball are not deep so with a snug patch i see no reason that there would be a gas blowby . Comments ?