DIY caps

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May 24, 2023
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It seems the unavailabitlity of percussion caps is a frequent topic in this forum. I've been thinking about making my own and wondering what's involved. Just by pure random happenstance, YouTube served me up this video just this morning, which seems to address that question, and I think I'm going to order one of those kits and give it a try:
Go for it. I don't have his particular cap maker but the prime all mix works well. At the very least you will be shooting again for a fraction of the price of new caps. If you can even find them. I am very pleased that I don't have to be scrounging around trying to find over priced caps. Be aware that if you are ordering from 22 sharpshooter it will take a few weeks and you won't have any communication before it ships. It will come but have lots of patience.
Took all of a few minutes to make these.
You can find some of my previous posts about the subject, as I've gotten pretty efficient at making them and have a good process. I also sell the cups in a kit to make it even simpler.
DIY Percussion Cap Cup Assembly Kit (11)
Thanks. Do you by any chance have a video demoing your product & process?
It seems the unavailabitlity of percussion caps is a frequent topic in this forum. I've been thinking about making my own and wondering what's involved. Just by pure random happenstance, YouTube served me up this video just this morning, which seems to address that question, and I think I'm going to order one of those kits and give it a try:

OF COURSE..., right after I got the kit, and came up with a procedure that also kept the mixture in the cap..., I found an unopened tin of #11 cap, plus one of #10's.....

So I save those and use the DIY caps. I find satisfaction about making my own...

Did you post these for sale on this site and bypass Amazon we do have a classified section
I was in the classified section but didn't bypass Amazon so my post was removed. But it's easier to purchase from Amazon anyhow so there's no sense in me going about it the long way.
Got them in today thank you!
Any tips on getting them free of the backing?
You can find some of my previous posts about the subject, as I've gotten pretty efficient at making them and have a good process. I also sell the cups in a kit to make it even simpler.
DIY Percussion Cap Cup Assembly Kit (11)
You are on to something with these.
I already see the end of issues with my 1849 and caps.
Thanks again this is exactly what the market needs.
Thank you. It's funny you mention your 1849. My pocket colt was terrible about cap jams with factory caps but now it doesn't have any issues at all using the 3d printed ones.
You can find some of my previous posts about the subject, as I've gotten pretty efficient at making them and have a good process. I also sell the cups in a kit to make it even simpler.
DIY Percussion Cap Cup Assembly Kit (11)
You mention that they are easy to remove from the backing plate once primed.
What is the procedure for doing so?
Takes me about a minute per cap to trim them with scissors. So, a little over 8 hours to free up all 500. Edges are still pretty ragged. Gotta be a better way.
I start by cutting a long strip and then I shove a 3\32 tap into the cap tear it off and trim with fingernail clippers.
I would prefer them without any backing at all but don't know if that's possible.