I used to get rust on the bolt/trigger spring from using Pyro-junk. Replacing springs all the time.Only if I want it not to rust. That powder in revolvers gets area and it doesn't take long to start rusting.
I shoot the good ones one or more times per week. In a good week it might be daily and when I retire I plan to do a lot more of it... If I completely stripped them every time I’d need to mount my screwdriver bits in the cordless drill ...Yep sorry. I should clarify I meant taking apart all the screws. The gun in pieces hammer removed from frame.
You’re my hero Bunk and when I grow up (Retire.) I want to be just like you!First let me say I am retired and have a range in my back yard. I shoot a little almost every day using various open top Colt style revolvers.
For that reason I clean a lot and have a very simple efficient system.
Stripping down to a bare frame is done about every 200 or so rounds, or sooner if the gun feels gritty then it hits the cleaning bench.
Now understand I only shoot original black powder GOEX, KIK, or Du Pont and occasionally American Pioneer Powder in one of it's other labels such as Jim Shockey's Gold or Black MZ.
I have absolutely no personal knowledge of Pyrodex or 777 and am not interested in gaining any. I have very harsh feelings about them understanding there are areas that only the substitutes are available..
If you are shooting a perchlorate containing "substitute" for real Black Powder I would suggest you clean completely, immediately, and thoroughly especially if you are in a humid climate.
Long answer to a question, it boils down to it depends on what propellant you use and how humid it is.
There is some interesting information on the CAS City forum in the "Powder Room" section on substitutes.
Well worth reading and pondering,
Load 'em heavy boys
They air a'comin'
You’re my hero Bunk and when I grow up (Retire.) I want to be just like you!
That price is outrageous! I pay $25.50 for GOEX delivered to my door and $12 for Black MZ delivered to my door.I strip and clean my revolver and rifle after every session. Mostly using Pyrodex P for both. I'm not paying 55 bucks for Goex when Pyro is $26. If I do use Goex I still strip them down. BP will rust out a firearm, maybe not as fast as Pyrodex but it will. Been using mainly Pyrodex P and RS for over 20 years and my guns were always spit and polish.
not magical at all, just my choice of propellant. APP type powders cleans easier because every shot removes the last fouling and lays down a new one. In other words it is "one shot dirty". and it is compatible with petroleum lubes or none at all as the fouling has lubricating quality.When you shoot regular Black Powder you never have to clean because it so magical.