Do you prefer 3F or 4F for priming ?

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I use ffffg for priming , I am almost finished my 8th can of Goex , then I will have to go to Swiss fffg , ffffg is the only powder which flows easily through the push nozzles on my priming horns .
Lot of folks claiming one is faster than the other here. Where's the "prove it" police like in that other priming thread? Not that this thread needs wrecking too, just making a point.

I grind 2F down a touch finer than 4F because that's what I do, and I too believe it's faster.
3F is less reliable for me. My homemade 2-3F that has a fair amount of dust & fines works the best in my hands. Seems to catch the sparks off the frizzen easier.
I like 4f but have used 2f and 3f just to be sure my lock would light it. If I'm hunting in the rain I would probably go with 3f. 4f goes a a long long way though.
Ran out of FFFF G once, Needed some for a competition , so ground up some FFG , in a wooden mortar and pestle. Worked fine until FFFFG, could be located.
every batch of powder i make yields an oz or so of fines/ffff powder. i either use it for prime or reblend it and make a coarser grain.
most of the time i use what is going down the bore.
today i was shooting in below freezing temps. i ran out of powder fff for the bore. grabbed another bottle and filled the flask. turned out to be ff.
grabbed another flask that had ffff in it.
actually paid attention and it did seem as if it ignited faster with less in the pan. what's not to like about that.
you may notice i didn't use a g behind those f's. my powder is all unglazed.
Was out at dads shooting a little today and ran out of powder in my priming flask (my fault it takes so long to empty it I get lazy checking it) so I just primed from my main flask. Couldn't tell the difference in ignition between 2f and 4f.
I use 3f most of the time but occasionally use 2f when I don't have 3 on me. Never felt the need for 4f.
I use what’s in the horn and it works well! Usually that’s 2f but sometimes i shot my 45 and I like 3f down the barrel for that. The key is what was mentioned above use the alcohol and rag that is the difference right there. A clean pan, flint and frizzin makes the difference for sure. From my simple testing it wasn’t the powder size that keep things consistent it was the keeping things clean with the alcohol

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