Don Eichenburg The traveling Black Powder Man

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50 Cal.
Mar 1, 2005
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Last year was his 21st trip, and last trip to Phoenix, AZ from Clarksville, Arkansas. :thumbsup: If you do not know the guy, he was the Powder Man who always treated everyone fairly like a friend. :bow:

Don IMHO knew more about Black Powder than anyone except Bill Knight of Pennsylvania. Bill IMHO is the BEST EXPERT on Black Powder in the USA.

Apparently Don has retired from the Black Powder business, according to Jim at Schuetzen Powder LLC in Texas who I spoke with yesterday.

Spoke with Don this a.m., he is recovering from Hip Replacement Surgery, and sounded great.

So I can NOT say there will be REAL BLACK POWDER For sale in PHOENIX this year at the N***A Western National Shoot as there has been the last 21 year when Don was there for the shooters.

If you want the answer to that Question about REAL BLACK POWDER SALES @ the N***A Western National Shoot, contact the N***M OFFICE in Friendship.


I say to Don enjoy retirement, :v and you will be missed by all your customers out west! The Western Shoot will not be the same without visiting Don :wink: , and I will miss having a few Beers with Don, and talking about the world, politics, and how thing were in the good old days . :shake:
Don was long a fixture at the matches in Berryville, Arkansas. I bought mine from him for many years. I am happy now that my habit was to buy two pounds more each time I saw him than I estimated I needed until the next shoot. I now have a stash that will last me until I develop a new source.
Don did not exactly retire. Word is (reliable source) his record keeping did not satisfy the ATF and his license was revoked. :(
At this time there are no powder vendors planning to attend the Berryville matches in 2012.
Yes, good guy. His attendance will be missed.
Look up Marvin Brant from Iowa Park, TX. He will be a vendor there (Phoenix). He may be able to point you at a source. Also Dan Kindig from Log Cabin should be there. Again, may be able to point you at a source.
barnettshale said:
Look up Marvin Brant from Iowa Park, TX. He will be a vendor there (Phoenix). He may be able to point you at a source. Also Dan Kindig from Log Cabin should be there. Again, may be able to point you at a source.

BATFE the New name for the BATF has always required those selling Black Powder at Ben Avery to be AWAY FROM THE TRADERS ROW, so do you know for sure these guy will have REAL BLACK POWDER FOR SALE, or are you hoping. :confused:

A lot of Don's Customers came to Don for Black Powder Only, not to be part of the Western Shoot.

Many were from the Local BP Cartridge Clubs in the AREA, as Don always brought a lot of BPC Powder!

Another following he had were CANON Shooter, as again Canon require another type of Powder!
barnettshale said:
I did not say they would have powder. Maybe point you at a source.

Thanks for the clarification, but there are many sources of Black Powder if you want to order it, wait for it.

The Nice thing about Don was he was always at Ben Avery on the Wednesday to the Sunday of the N***A Western/Winter National Shoot, and if you got out Wednesday he pretty much had what you wanted. At very fair prices. :thumbsup:

Now that source is apparently gone, as apparently there is no one coming to Ben Avery with REAL BLACK POWDER FOR SALE!
Why are you whining around? Doesn't have the Winter Range a powder vendor supplying all the S..S shooters with the black stuff or the vendors who leave right after Winter Range and don't stay for the NMLRA Western National Shoot as you stated in the Winter Range topic? I feel for you!
tecum-tha said:
Why are you whining around? Doesn't have the Winter Range a powder vendor supplying all the S..S shooters with the black stuff or the vendors who leave right after Winter Range and don't stay for the NMLRA Western National Shoot as you stated in the Winter Range topic? I feel for you!

So why did you hi jack this thread? Are you anti SASS's Winter Range. I wonder if you have ever been to a SASS Event? Try one you might get hooked, and retire your front stuffer? LOL

BTW I live with in a short drive of the N***L Event, and Venue both events are held at. I wonder if you have ever been to a SASS Event?

I am sure you are one of the CRETIN who said years ago SASS is a Flash in the Pan. SASS will be dead & gone in a few years.

Maybe you need not come to Arizona, or our antics will wind you up being escorted off the Ben Avery Property for undesirable behavor like a few others who came for the N***A Event a few years back.
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