The Pennsylvania Gazette
July 3, 1766
WAS LOST, on the 8th or 9th of May last, on the great Road betwixt Harris’ Ferry and Shippensburgh, a German rifle Gun, about two Feet in the Barrel, large Bore, carved Stock, a white Metal Lion upon the Barrel, near the Lock, with a Scepter in his Paw, double Tricker, double Sight, the under Brass or Copper, and the upper Iron. Whoever delivers said Gun to the Subscriber, or to Robert Sample, in Carlisle, or to John Miller, above Carlisle, shall have TWO DOLLARS Reward, paid by me THOMAS SIMPSON.
June 24, 1774
Camden-district, January 27th, 1774. TAKEN on suspicion, and escaped, on King's Creek, on the borders of North-Carolina, John and Julius Drun leaving behind them the following articles, viz. A Rifle Gun, about three feet and a half long, double triggered, draw britch and loops, brass box with the letters M.C. on it, a piece of brass on the stock about the middle of the barrel, the letters S.P. on the barrel near the britch, also the name John Deep engraved on the fashion plate, and the number 1773. Another Rifle Gun, double triggered, with the letters J.D. engraved on the fashion plate, together with a shot bag and power horn;.... a Pocket Pistol, screw barrel, brass mounted;