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Dutch Schoultz System

Muzzleloading Forum

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I have heard many people that use it and like it. I have never heard any one say it was a waste.For myself I haven't tried it, Why? because in my younger arrogant days I felt I was as good as I good get. Now in my older wiser days I realise that no system is going to bring back my eyesight so I might just as well spend the money on gas to get to the next rendezvous.
I have read it its about moose milk ,(valve grinding oil and water mix ) how to mix and use , and how to apply it to ticking and then let it dry to use later and wet patch also that is best i can remember it has been a few years back since i read it
crossxsticks said:
I have read it its about moose milk ,(valve grinding oil and water mix ) how to mix and use , and how to apply it to ticking and then let it dry to use later and wet patch also that is best i can remember it has been a few years back since i read it

If that is all it is, someone please sumarize it.
I bought Dutch's instructions and they work. The main point he stresses, I believe, is to have everything consistent from shot to shot. His advice is well worth the money. I learned quite a bit and I now have a five gallon bucket of water soluble oil that should last me several lifetimes.
man i sure hope 5 gal last ya last i baught was from napa and think it bout 30 bucks pr gallon :v
Frank/Pa said:
crossxsticks said:
I have read it its about moose milk ,(valve grinding oil and water mix ) how to mix and use , and how to apply it to ticking and then let it dry to use later and wet patch also that is best i can remember it has been a few years back since i read it

If that is all it is, someone please sumarize it.

Here is Dutch's web site.
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I brought the system after having a lot of trouble with constantly grouping shots. It arrived in Australia in about 7 days from date of order.
All serious blackpowder shooters should buy Dutch's system. You are paying for his considerable exerience, knowledge and knowhow. Worth every penny (or cent).
My ability to shoot consistant clover leaf groups off the bench is a testiment to his knowledge. Off hand it is different proposition but that is me waving in the breeze and lactice acid watering down my already puny frame.
It is the best $15.00 you can spend on an education. His system teaches you how to read your targets, and your spent patches. He discusses why you need to be consistent to get good accuracy, and then how to do it. He does have a favorite recipe that worked for him for years. You can substitute Ballistol for the water soluable oil, if you want, or even use olive oil or cooking oil for that purpose. The water soluable oil happens to spread more uniformly, as is, but if you remember to shake up the oil/water mix well when you use other oils( as you shake up a bottle of vinegar and oil to mix the two for your salad) it will work well, too.

Dutch is a great guy, and if you have questions about anything you read of his, just send him an email and he will answer your question. I have talked to him on the phone several times, with both suggestions, and questions. He was interested in both. His system is straight forward, easy to understand, and backed up with pictures of various targets he has shot which illustrate both the wrong and the right way to do things, step by step.

Dutch is having trouble with Macular Degeneration, and can no longer shoot. But, his many years of shooting have given him a memory of what should be happening, and a fine knowledge of what you can do wrong. He puts all that information at your disposal for way too small an asking-price. He's certainly not getting rich on his system.
I purchased his system several months ago and yes I believe it is worth the cost.
AS if it was necessary I'll add enthusiastic support for Dutch's 'system', which really is just sage advice. Without a doubt the most worthwhile $15 you'll ever spend on any black powder item.
I have been shooting flintlocks for over 30 years, and can shoot all day long without any problems. Most of the deep dark secrets that many people come up to make shooting easier, I have tried many years ago.

I think I will save my $15, and buy another pound of powder.
Frank/Pa said:
I have been shooting flintlocks for over 30 years, and can shoot all day long without any problems. Most of the deep dark secrets that many people come up to make shooting easier, I have tried many years ago.

I think I will save my $15, and buy another pound of powder.

The question was, "is it worth investing $15 for it?" Only people who have actually used it know if it's "worth it". You obliviously have nothing to contribute as you've never tried the system.

Back on topic: It works great. I highly recommend it. It's well worth the money and everyone can learn something from it, unless of coarse, you know everything already. :haha:
Carl Davis said:
The question was, "is it worth investing $15 for it?" Only people who have actually used it know if it's "worth it".

Back on topic: It works great. I highly recommend it. It's well worth the money and everyone can learn something from it ...

Agreed :thumbsup: !

Well said. If you don't learn anything from Dwight's 'system' ... then one indeed has a closed mind.
Carl Davis said:
Frank/Pa said:
I have been shooting flintlocks for over 30 years, and can shoot all day long without any problems. Most of the deep dark secrets that many people come up to make shooting easier, I have tried many years ago.

I think I will save my $15, and buy another pound of powder.

The question was, "is it worth investing $15 for it?" Only people who have actually used it know if it's "worth it". You obliviously have nothing to contribute as you've never tried the system.

Back on topic: It works great. I highly recommend it. It's well worth the money and everyone can learn something from it, unless of coarse, you know everything already. :haha:

Nope, I just don't like throwing my money away searching for a solution to a non-existant problem.

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