May I suggest that shooter consider going to the local hearing aid store, ( Belltone, for me), and have them cast you custom fitted earplugs? This should run less than $30.00, and they make them out of a plastic that is soft enough not to irritate your ears, but strong enough to last a long time. These are excellent plugs as they fit your ears perfectly, every time, don't stick out, where they can be bumped, and, best of all, you can wear ear muffs over them for added protection. I use the combination of plugs and muffs whenever I am shooting modern rifles, and magnum handguns. The plugs work for shotguns, and muzzle loaders, unless I am around the slug gun range. Then, I need both plugs and muffs, again! I have hearing losses in both ears, from working various jobs when I was young without protection, and from shooting back when only large, cumbersome muffs were available, and I was too young to realize that I needed to wear them every time I was shooting, and even standing around watching my brother or father shoot. Young people rarely listen to us grayhairs, but this is one time that they should. We have excellent ear protection available today that just was not around when I was younger.