Yep, returned home empty handed. Missed a couple rabbit and a few pigeon.
This Bess frustrates me a little.
It needs a lot of powder and shot or velocity is very low.
It is wad fussy.
But the lock is good and hardly ever fails.
I was using some greased aper pulp type of commercial wad in this .750" bore.
Never liked them, tonight in an old quarry I tested them again. The load was wide, to wide and a huge hole in the middle, a true dough nut pattern!
I was out of shot all but one ounce so in desperation I tipped powder and shot down with green birch leaves betwixt for a wad and the same on top.
Guess what! It throws a lovely evenly spread and not too wide pattern all be it a little slow.
I am going to burn the rest of them dumb 10g wads! They are wasting my powder and shot!!