For the information and satisfaction of my readers, I have here inserted an abstract of the two late Acts of Parliament, viz. That of the 2d. of George III. and that of the 10th. of George III. for the better preservation of the Game, whereby they may the better know the respective Time when they may begin, and when they are to leave off sporting, and also the penalties and punishments of infringing or breaking the above acts.
The Statute of the 2d. of George III. for the better preservation of the game, enacts, That no person after the first day of June, 1762, shall upon any pretence whatsoever, take, kill, destroy, carry, buy, or have, in his, her, or their possession, or use, any partridge between the 12th day of February and the 1st day of September, or any pheasant between the 1st day of February and the 1st day of October, or any heath fowl, commonly called black game, between the 1st day of January and the 20th of August, or any grouse (commonly called red game) between the 1st day of Dec. and the 25th day of July in any year. Persons offending in any of the aforesaid cases, forfeit five Pounds per bird to the prosecutor. The whole of the above penalties may be sued for and recovered to the sole use of the prosecutor with double costs, and no part of the penalty shall be paid or applied, to or for the use of the poor. Prosecutions to be brought within six months next after the fact committed.
N.B. By the above Act of 2d. George III. the sporting season for partridge is, from the 1st Sept. to the 12th of Feb. both inclusive.
For pheasants, from the 1st of October to the 1st of Feb. both inclusive.
For black game, from the 20th of August to the 1st of January, And
For grouse, from the 25th of July to the 1st of December, and no other time. But Hares are not included in this Act, they may be killed all the year, under the restrictions in the following Act.
The late Statute of the 10th George III: for the preservation if the game, enacts, That after the 24th of June, 1770. If any person shall take, kill, or destroy, any hare, pheasant, partridge, moor game, heath game, or grouse in the night, between one hour after sun setting, and one hour before sun rising, or use any gun, dog, snare, net or other engine for taking, killing or destroying any such game in the night as aforesaid, every such person shall for the first offence be committed to goal for any time not exceeding six months nor less than three, and be publickly whipped. And for the second offence to be imprisoned not exceeding twelve months, nor less than six, and be publickly whipped. And if any person upon a sunday take kill or destroy any hare, pheasant, partridge, moor game, heath game or grouse, or shall upon a sunday use any gun, dog, snare, net or other engine for taking, killing, or destroying any such game as aforesaid, and be convicted thereof upon the oath of one witness, shall forfeit and pay any sum not exceeding 30I, nor less than 20I. One moiety thereof to go to the informer, the other to the poor of the parish. If no sufficient distress can be had, the offender to be committed to gaol for any time not exceeding six months, nor less than three.
N. B. By the above Act of the 10th George III, The time for sporting is in the day time, viz. from one hour before the sun rises, until one hour after it sets.