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Ethics Question

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Well it took a full day to get the stand back there the first time and yes the stand is marked. I guess until now I was the only fool dumb enough to hunt so far back, it requires wadders to get to it its so wet back there in route to the stand. 12 years its been there and everytime I leave I place a stick acrossed the ladder so i know if someones been there or not and its never been touched. Until Now that is.. I shot a 11 point back there night before opener of gun season and the guys were getting ready to go out for opening day of gun when I hit camp took 13 hours to get him out. Trust me no stranger hunts my spot, theres no trail marker to lead the way, and its not something you can just stumble acrossed. I guess all good things must end eventually.
Finding a sweet spot on public land is difficult enough. Agree it was a lousy stinkin' thing to do, especially while you are deployed. The good news seems to be he has been shut out at that location, and maybe he'll get tired of making the trek back there. The bad news is that if he does get one, it sounds like he'll need to tell yet someone else so they can help him get it out of the bush.
hunting buddies come and go. I do not hunt with the original group of friends because of some reason or another. Public land is public. I try not to be seen with deer I take off public land because for sure that person moves in my sweet spot every time. I no longer hang my deer in camp using white deer bags. I went to camo bags and hang them. People drive by camp and do not see the deer hanging. When I used white bags guaranted the following year those folks would come into my camp are a day before to beet me.I knoe it's public but I still call it my camp
It is a complicated thing.
He betrayed you, but it is public land.

If he is not good at hunting then he is just likely to chase off your deer and it is now probably not as good of a spot.

Let this be a lesson to you. Only share such information with blood kin.
Mike Brines said:
BrownBear said:
I'm with you. It's a betrayal. Yeah, it's public land, but there's lots of public land for him to hunt on. He'd never have known about it without you. This yoyo knew it was special to you and why you go there, and stepped all over that. I'd be done with him.
I have always hunted public land. My grandfather taught my dad where to hunt, and he taught me. The eastern slopes are hard to hunt, because there is so much pivate land, but it can be done by studying maps. I have multiplied the area my family hunts by studying maps, and walking boundaries.
I made the mistake of showing a co-worker some of the area I hunt, with the provision that he promise to tell no one, and the next thing I know, the area is crawling with hunters. My dad was furious with me. Luckily, most of them were road hunters, and never got out of their truck.
But this is the only heritage I will get from my dad's side. Granted, it's public land, but it was a lot of work doing what I and my ancestors did to make sure we knew where we were all the time. I feel that someone who barges in on your secret place has stolen from you, and that doesn't make them much of a friend in my book.

+2 The fact that's it's public land has no bearing on the issue. That hunting spot is something special to you and a good man would have at least asked how you feel about him using it. Good men respect each other's special things. Yes, there's a good chance that some other hunter will eventually find and use your spot, that's just the way competition goes, but that other hunter isn't a close friend.

Someone mentioned girlfriends earlier, and he has a good point. Girlfriends fall in the same category as public land (I'm not being sexist, just follow me here). The girl you date is not owned by anyone, so she's kind of public domain, anyone can try to steal her from you, and again, that's just how competition works. But, what if you were gone and came back to find your best friend had been dating her, your special girl? Not what friends do! Same thing with your special hunting spot. Some things are just "off limits" unless asked about. That's the way I see it anyway.

Then again, nobody here can put a blanket answer to your question, as we don't know you and your friend, what your relationship is like, the tone of your conversations, etc....we just weren't there. It's something you're going to have to decide for yourself. Maybe you two can talk it out.

There is no such thing as a wrong feeling, and your gut feeling is telling you that what he did is wrong. You can't sweep that under the rug if you plan on keeping him as a friend, it will always be hanging over your heads unless you either confront him, or let him go. Good luck. Bill
BrownBear said:
I'm with you. It's a betrayal. Yeah, it's public land, but there's lots of public land for him to hunt on. He'd never have known about it without you. This yoyo knew it was special to you and why you go there, and stepped all over that. I'd be done with him.

Thats pretty much how I feel. I have learned the hard way (hunting and fishing) by helping people out who were not successful and taking them to a favorite spot. I didn't mind if they went there later on their own, I only asked them to keep it quiet and not bring others there. Without fail every one of them blabbed to others and brought other people to those spots. :shake:
Ummm yeah I hear ya on the girl he is very respectful there so no issues. Overall him and I have been through so much together forever its just hard for me to grasp why he would weastle in on my spot. I am sure eventually we will either come to words about it or come to fist either way we been through more in the past. Hell we both dated each others sister's and came out friends after both break ups. Beat the tar out of each other and worked things out and had beers together 15 minutes later. So things will work out I just needed other opinions on the matter. My dad tried talkin sense into him but my buddy has yet to answer my email about it or answer a phone call. So knowing him like i do i know he realizes he acted like a moran and is waiting for me to cool down. But I am sure when I arrive back we will work it out and can enjoy CAMP WET FART DEER CAMP together.
BrownBear said:
Loyalist Dave said:
Encroaching on someone else's stand is a NO NO.

Is it when it's on public land? Here in Maryland for example one cannot hunt deer with dogs as it's thought to be wrong, but in other Southern states it's one of the common methods of hunting deer. Also here one must remove the stand from the public land at the end of the day, or it's "abandoned". So we must be careful when we apply what would be the custom of our locals to behaviors in other areas.

In MI the law clearly says you must place a name tag on your stand, and "Your name on a tree stand or ground blind on public land does not guarantee exclusive use. "

So how is it OK for some stranger to have used his stand, but his close friend is excluded? If it's codified in the law then the situation has come up in the past.

I'm surprised the stand was left in the woods in the first place..., anybody who happened to scout that area would see it as a sure fire sign of a good place to put up a stand..., so take down the stand that's there and move it 50 or so yards away, and install their own stand.


That's all true in legaleze, but it doesn't get to the morality. Not the same thing at all.

I agree...
Rogue River said:
When I tell anyone where I hunt or fish w/very few exceptions (v/few) I'm lying! :grin:

There you go! A buddy of mine this summer met us at the dock and started to ask where we got our good catch. But before he even finished the question he stopped, looked me in the eye, and said:

"What am I doing? I know not to ask you where! You lie! You ALWAYS lie!"

Whether you lie all the time or not, the rep is real handy. :rotf:

In the future Little John, you'll know to at least drag the deer a ways from your stand before summoning help, then LIE. Tell your helper you got it still hunting, and ran out of gas after dragging it a mile. Make up a real good shaggy dog story.

Then frisk him for a GPS! Most charter boats won't even allow them onboard, and folks are PAYING them for the trip. :grin:
Little John Z said:
5 times the last 2 years and shot 4 bucks between 125-150 inches and missed one the other time.
Multiple Buck tags?
Is it a "Party Hunt" when your 4 miles back?

Keep in mind it's sometimes hard for the pot to call the kettle black,,
Kinda depends on the local game laws, doesn't it? Heck, up here we're reduced to a 3 deer limit right now, down from 7 many years ago. I know places in the country you can shoot a whole lot more.
why does he have to weasle in on my spot and be shady about it... because you shot 4 big bucks right there!!! Move the stand so he can't find it, chances are he will not have the ambition to carry his own in for 3 hours!! Move it back in a year or two and never ever show another hunter where it is because showing where it is will result in the loreal comercial(he'll tell 2 friends and they will tell 2 friends...) Showing another hunter your spots IS giving your permission so choose wisely who you tell!!!
BrownBear said:
Kinda depends on the local game laws, doesn't it?

Or whether you can install and leave a stand on public lands. If you're not in it, and you have "abandoned" it unattended on public lands, don't be alarmed to find someone else in it.

Or conscientiously "disposing" of it as carry-out litter.
First of all---- let me thank you for your SERVICE. You are a hero. Next, congrats for finding such a great stand. My friends and kin used to search out places like you are talking about.Such places are sure special.We would each hunt our stands and each others from time to time when conditions permited. Didn't seem to matter on results. No one ruined the stand for the other.Hope you get B&C next time you are in your stand.
cynthialee said:
when you started with your heterosexist analogy I was ready to go ballistic...

but you are right, the analogy works

Instead of "girlfriend", insert "loved one of choice" and then it works for everyone. :grin: Bill
Ok that may have been confusing: To clarify I shot 4 bucks in five times of sitting the stand and missed a solid 130 class buck the other time. Not saying I shot 4 bucks 5 different times in one day. Michigan allows two buck tags a year only. Sorry for the confusion.