Felt wad idea

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Just collect steal or borrow old hats.
Target old ladies on park benches👍🏻
Was thinking about purchasing these stiff felt circles and gluing them to paper cards punched from soda boxes. I've seen other stiff felt wads for sale but they always seem really expensive for what they are. Think my idea would work instead? The free amazon shipping makes this much cheaper for me.

Edit: https://www.amazon.com/Playfully-Ever-After-White-Circle/dp/B0934BX71L/ref=mp_s_a_1_1_sspa?crid=1A0GEFKDE1OXP&keywords=3/4in+stiff+felt+circles&qid=1706048732&sprefix=3/4in+stiff+felt+circles+,aps,92&sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9zZWFyY2hfYXRm&psc=1
Seems like it would work depending on bore/gauge/caliber size. But you may need to use a punch for the correct diameter
Was thinking about purchasing these stiff felt circles and gluing them to paper cards punched from soda boxes. I've seen other stiff felt wads for sale but they always seem really expensive for what they are. Think my idea would work instead? The free amazon shipping makes this much cheaper for me.

Edit: https://www.amazon.com/Playfully-Ever-After-White-Circle/dp/B0934BX71L/ref=mp_s_a_1_1_sspa?crid=1A0GEFKDE1OXP&keywords=3/4in+stiff+felt+circles&qid=1706048732&sprefix=3/4in+stiff+felt+circles+,aps,92&sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9zZWFyY2hfYXRm&psc=1
I purchased the 1000 pack of wads and cards from a supplier. Way more than I'll ever use as I do not shoot trap / skeet. Just wanted a few so the wife could use my .62 trade gun while I used my .75 cal. Potzdam Musket for squirrels. I have divided up the the bulk and put in packs of 100 to sell / trade at camp for anyone who might want to try shot gunning out of their smooth bores. (These are for 12 ga. / .75 cal. smooth bores.) If any one is interested in some I'll ship, PM me.

I like all the ideas of making your own. (I was just too cheap to buy a $35- $50 punch!) I have used 100% wool blanket scraps to make wads for my .36 cal. Navy revolver. Worked fine.
Be careful with your experiments out there! TDY
I like all the ideas of making your own. (I was just too cheap to buy a $35- $50 punch!) I have used 100% wool blanket scraps to make wads for my .36 cal. Navy revolver. Worked fine.
Be careful with your experiments out there!
My punch was like 11$ off amazon someone posted the link in this thread earlier