The reason for different granulations ... The finer powder builds more pressure on ignition ....thats the reason but it dont know how , why it would effect me BUT ....thats the reason .... 60 gr. of 3F will cause the round ball to go faster than 60 gr. of 2F ... Is it a safety thing or a " consistent accuracy thing ? Probably a bit of both .... I shoot only 60 gr. of powder in my 20 ga. N.W. gun so it doesnt bother me . Safety wise I'm fine . I know !d!0t$ that shoot 150 gr. in their trade guns but ...thats on them . Now accuracy wise ....doesnt bother me either as I am a minute of deer kind of guy . A precision rifle shooter is going to see the difference but not me . If all my shots are hitting the steel or are on the paper plate ....I'm good with that ....but some shooters , if that group opened up or the group moved up or down two inches ... they'll be having at fit !! My homemade BP ....even after granulating it , its a mix of 2F , 3F and 4 F .... I dont seperate it ....doesnt bother me any ....