First flintlock pistol build

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Turns out it was the face of the plug bearing heavily into the rifling inside the barrel - enough so that the threads were damaged. Chases the threads in the barrel and on the tang - then carefully polished the plug face with 1000 grit and wd-40 - essentially just polishing the plug face. Now I can install and remove the breech plug (with some effort on the last 1/4 turn - but it does go on and off and is tight.

Good luck with the build Chris. Dave is an amazing builder and is fun and informative when he posts his build,s. Get a exacto knife with a set of various blades it helps when you get down to the finest details and allows the tiniest bits of wood to be removed.
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Some progress but no pictures. Shaped the breech plug then inlet the barrel and after that reattached breech plug and inlet that. Need to take a closer look at it tomorrow in daylight. learned a ton will do better next time. I also need to sharpen all the chisels. Hard maple is tough on hand tools.
More progress but no pictures yet. I am waiting for the lock so I can begin inletting - estimated ship date is Tuesday - then a few more days to get to me. In the short term I have slugged the barrel, began the design and build of the trigger and trigger guard and roughed out a third piece of wood that may become the actual final piece. Also waiting on a longer drill bit to finish the ramrod hole.

The plan is to continue forward with the current piece but likely I will end up using the third piece of wood. This one has a slightly different shape and with the barrel and lock I have will be more authenticate to a time period. Also, as I keep working I am getting better about how I do things and I have learned some lessons with inletting the barrel - I had to correct for an improper angle of the barrel - so I ended up going deeper into the wood than I would have liked. Tere was room - but just barely.
Another short update, very busy week of work so not as much time for the hobby. I received the drill bit and was able to drill out the ramrod hole. The Kibler lock has not shipped yet - so I am waiting on inletting the lock on stock # 2. Stock number three has all the layout lines and marks and I will begin inletting the barrel and breech plug soon - hopefully this week. I have also designed (on paper) the trigger plate, trigger and trigger guard. Work will start on the trigger guard soon - it will be shaped from 1/8" mild steel.
Thursday update - I received my shipping notification for my Kibler lock - I expect I will see it on Monday or Tuesday.
I have done a little metal shaping for the trigger guard - the trigger guard is in three pieces and will be silver soldered together at some point. I have begun work on the first part.


I have drilled out the ramrod hole on stock number two - but that is it until I start the inletting of the lock.

Finally, I have marked up the third pistol stock and will begin inletting the barrel this weekend (maybe) - I am hopeful this will be the final stock - but there is so many places where a mistake or error can be made.

Small update - began the slow process of filing one of the pieces for the trigger guard. Plan is to roughly file most of it - then bend it to shape and file the rest. Could really use a set of riffler files. But I will make do with what I have and wrap sandpaper around smaller shapes to fit were my files don’t. I also have the ubiquitous finger nail file.
Quick update - received the Kibler Ketland lock today and I am excited to start the inletting process. The lock is amazingly nice - will post a few pictures soon.
the experiment with the trigger guard isn’t going quite as well - but I will work on it a bit more to see if I can get it to look and feel right.
Frustrated? tap the brakes sit back and stare at it. Listen to the Radio have a beer or two and decompress. AHA moments come easier without putting pressure on yourself. Tomorrow will come as another Day. Best SM
great advice!
many times if i find myself hurrying to "just finish" something, if i continue i will start saying things that gets me a glare from my wife.
walk away and refresh.
walk away and sharpen your chisels.
then sharpen them some more.
Spring is a busy time - so not much of an update but a few pictures of the Kibler Ketland lock - I have torn the lock down and have started the inletting process (just barely) also working on a few additional projects related to the pistol. I have also purchased a 6x48 sander and a Craftsman 12" bandsaw - which is a very nice upgrade, for me anyway.
On to the Kibler lock - did a test of the firing and it produced a great spark and the action felt crisp and light - extra bonus - it came with the flint and jaw pad already in place.

They are works of art.

When I become untired of looking at wood rasps and sawdust I'm going to order one of these for my .62 smooth bore Kentucky Navy pistol.

The days of ordering L&R and R E Davis are over. Not worth the headache.

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