I got a cheap pair of diagonal cutters and ground the face flat so there was no bevel on the cutter so it would cut closer and smoother.
I just got a chance to measure. I measured 5 different REAL and 6 RB. The three blue (hot) bullets measured .515 .516 .517 on the top band. Silver (cold) came in at .513 (all three).Idaho Ron said:I was curious what SEPAflint's bullets measured out at. I am thinking that as hot as he got them I was betting that he was at or over .517 on that top band.
I added 1000 grains of chilled lead shot to 10 pounds of pure lead. Doing this will add tin and antimony to the lead. It will not be hardened to any degree. The blue bullets should be reduced unless he still gets it way too hot.
My 320 mould throws at 324 grains. Top band comes out at .517
First off, I am only referring to RB. I have no experience in casting conical's. I will also make a few comments about measuring ball diameters verses weighing them. Lastly I will also comment on Lee molds in general.SEPAflint said:It's actually a lot of fun getting all of these measurements and seeing the pretty big differences between things that look completely identical and come from the exact same source. It's all about consistency which will have to come through experience
Cowboy said:Casting is like BP shooting. It can become very addictive. The enjoyment of going through the whole process and seeing your end result. The Perfect Ball!
I hope you have as much fun as I do when casting! Enjoy! :grin:
Respectfully, Cowboy :hatsoff: