Thanks much for the compliments. You probably already know this but a horn craftsman told me an easy way to dye the neck of the horn. Rather than RIT dye or the like, mix a couple of teaspoons of Potassium Permanganate in a jar with about a pint of water. The solution will look like the strongest grape juice you ever made (best label the jar if you intend to keep it). No heat is necessary, just dip the horn neck in the jar for about 15 minutes and, then wipe it off. It will turn the nice brown color you see on my horn. It also stains clothes, skin, countertops, floors, etc. too so be careful. I got my P/P from a friend but it's available from the chemical supply places on the 'net. You can also get it at Agway but, I'm told it comes in a 5# quantity.
Very interesting chemical. If you mix it with anything glycerin based it will burn.