bioprof: Great job! I would never have guessed this was your first gun! Now, for the unpleasent task which is at hand:
Boys; What your seeing in the photos of bioprof's excellent gun is a Precussion Lock! Some call it a Cap Lock.
It's the latest thing around, and some predict that it will replace the Flintlock.
Indeed, there are already a large number of folks who are begging to have their old fashioned flintlocks reworked into the new style of Cap Locks and the rework is not complicated or expensive!
These Precussion fired guns don't rely on flint hitting steel to make a few sparks which may, or may not fall into your prime!
They work because of a material which, when struck with a blow, produces large amounts of fire which will set off the main charge with a speed that will leave you wondering!!
This chemical is safely stored inside waterproof metal caps, which are completely safe to handle.
The price of the caps is low, and they are rapidly becoming available at fine gunstores everywhere.
To use these marvelous new devices, following your main charge, you merely place the cap on the tube, bring your arm to full cock and fire when ready!
Don't be left behind with your outdated ignition system!! Step up to the modern times by buying yourself the gun of the future. If you can't trust ole Zonie, who can you trust? :: :applause: ::