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First Squirrel hunt of the year....

Muzzleloading Forum

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69 Cal.
Dec 16, 2006
Reaction score
The hills of Southern Indiana
I managed to get a quick hunt in this morning (our opener). The weather was beautiful and cool with a hint of a breeze.

No squirrels were found in their usual haunts...stands of Hickory. The Hickory in this part of Indiana lost their blooms this Spring. I did have some action under the Walnuts...

The 12 gauge New Englander with it's new-found squirrel load managed to scratch down two young boars. A grey and a fox. They were taken at ~ 20 and 30 yards and fell stone dead.

I have to confess to a miss. I had a particularly spunky grey that was skeedaddling though some grapevines only 20 feet above me. Have you ever watched a squirrel do Mach 1 ? :haha:

The good news...I didn't even scratch him and for effect, I believe, after the shot, he poured salt in the wound and scampered down the trunk of a nearby Sugar tree. There he perched on it's side, upside down, barking at the fella holding the still-smoking muzzleloader. Fifteen yards away, mind you. I got the powder and hard card down before he scampered off to seek his entertainment elsewhere. :idunno:

Great day, Skychief.
Sounds good...wish our squirrel season at least opened in September...still too hot here for me in August
Just got back from a quick "sorti". Shot another grey and have him cleaned to go along with his two mates. The skeeters tried to carry me away and I headed home earlier than planned (gettin' OLD). Mornings are the time to enjoy a hunt this early in the year. :thumbsup:
Comes in before long here. Going to wait till it cools off a bit to go. Larry wv

what part of the great hoosier state do you hail from. I would love to find a muzzleloading hunting partner.

squirrel count around home seems down a bit, but there are wabbits everywhere.

The grays are few around here and thats to bad for me. I enjoyed hunting them when I lived 300 miles to the south back 20 years ago. We got the red squirrle and there a little bigger than a chipmunk. They infest the woods. Theres no closed season on them and that gives me a reason to get out and hunt at this time of year. They nest in the ground, foraging on the floor but as winter comes on they'll go up in the trees and cut pine cones, drop them and store away undergroung. In fall, I look for trees with cones on top. The spruce cone every seven years and you'll find an acre or so of trees coning one year and find another area coning the next year. I've got tactics I use to make them come to me. One I use is to walk slow and quietly like I'm stalking deer. That drives them mad. They'll come running from a 100 yards away squalking as though there saying.."You don't think I see you sneeking" :cursing: . I'll get 6 squirrle easy that way.
Squirrle'ns a lot of fun. Enjoy!
duke21 said:

what part of the great hoosier state do you hail from. I would love to find a muzzleloading hunting partner.

squirrel count around home seems down a bit, but there are wabbits everywhere.


Near Bloomington, how about you?
Sorry it took me so long to get back. Work is just taking all my time. not complaining was seriously out of work 18 months ago. but now have the opposite problem no time to get my stuff done or better things i want to do. I have promised myself to get plenty of small game time in this year. I am more than ready.

BTW. I am in the terre Haute area. we really arent that far apart. How bout you PM me and we see about hunting together sometime. Dont have much in line of period clothes, but i dont go the full camo route either.

Woudl love to have a hunting partner who appreciates the old guns.



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