i like you! "but for a preacher, not acting very Christian like" how is a Christian suppose to act? i guess everybody would like me better if i just shut up and sit down and kept my thoughts to myself. not be a free thinking man! i mean no disrespect to anyone here, i think we are like minded to all be here. but to make ya'll feel better, in the humblest and most "religious" Christian opinion i can express, that is the problem with the world today. Christians and conservatives has sat back far to long and kept there mouths shut trying not to disturb any opposition. and they get ran over! well i am sorry if i disappoint ya'll as to what you think a Christion should "act like" the only way i will be ever silenced is to be thrown off a forum for simply expressing my thoughts in a fairly respectful way. think about it, all this is over me correcting a title of a thread! it is unbelievable people can get this upset over that! and you can twist it all you want to, Mr. Webster agrees with me! a "harvest" is "the process or period of gathering in crops" a wild animal is not a crop! but hey if you want to fall for that terminology put out there by the touchy feely crowd, have at it! and you told "patchbox" "Never be afraid to say what you mean, and mean what you say" i guess that don't go for Christians ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,