I was out this evening deer hunting. After about an hour I heard something moving in the brush. It took about 20 minutes for them to show up. 3 coyotes crossed the field They were roughtly 85 to 90 yards. To much brush in my way to get a clear shot with the flinter. They continued to hang out in the corner of that particular field until dark. Curosity got to me so I went there to look around with flashlight. I found a spike buck He was eaten up to his front shoulders. His head and neck and front shoulders were still intact.Im not sure if the coyotes pulled him down or he was possibly wounded and died there then the coyotes found him. I am retired and go out each evening . So, I know were I will be sitting the rest of this week. Hopefully they will come back and I can get one with the flinter. That would be awsome. I have shot many calling them. used CF rifles but never a Flintlock. Should I get lucky I will post it.