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Flintlock Shooting as Olympic Event

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Sep 26, 2012
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As I watch the Olympics I can't help but wish they would have a flintlock shooting event. Is anyone else in the same agreement. You could have 3-position prone, x-sticks, and off-hand. A woods walk, or the various novelty targets that seem to kick all our backsides. I personally think it would be awesome. And throughout history most countries had access too or experienced a flintlock/muzzleloader time period.
I can see it now. The announcer "Now shooting for the United States at the age of 87 Bob "Dry-Ball" Smith, as you notice Ole' Dry-Ball is sporting leather buckskin pants and a skunk hat, made from animals he harvested and made his own clothes. Dry-Ball is shooting a rifle he made himself from a Maple tree that fell on his shed 40 years ago. Dry-Ball is the oldest Olympic athlete of all time. He, chose to set up camp in his vintage wedge tent outside the venue instead of electing to stay at the Olympic Village. Dry-Ball even refuses to eat the prepared food available to athletes instead opted to prepare his own meals cooked over an open fire. Rumor has it he has been eating squirrels he killed locally here in Paris.
Commentator: Dry-Ball seems in no hurry to step up to the shooting line let me go ask him what's going on. Dry-Ball when will do you think you will be ready to shoot?
Dry-Ball: "Ohhh quitca gripen. What's ya hurry for anyways Sunny, I'll shoot when I'm darn good and ready. It's gunna be a spell anyhow. I still got cast up some balls before I can get ta shooting" (Dry-Ball)
The OC did away with the best rifle matches of all when they took off the agenda of International Rifle Shooting known as the 300 meter event! As many as 15-20 nations sent teams to compete in this event but due to the OCs stance against firearms it was taken off the agenda! The only event worth anything these days IMO is the Pentathlon game where the shooters are on skis and shoot the .22 game!
I don't think there would be enough flint lock drag queens to form a team. Also , black powder smoke is white , and not rainbow colored. Lots of things to consider. I wish them well , though I won't be watching.
I don't think there would be enough flint lock drag queens to form a team. Also , black powder smoke is white , and not rainbow colored. Lots of things to consider. I wish them well , though I won't be watching.
I don’t know
Bunch of guys in leather, lace sometimes even guys wearing just a cloth around thier bottom parts
The OC did away with the best rifle matches of all when they took off the agenda of International Rifle Shooting known as the 300 meter event! As many as 15-20 nations sent teams to compete in this event but due to the OCs stance against firearms it was taken off the agenda! The only event worth anything these days IMO is the Pentathlon game where the shooters are on skis and shoot the .22 game!
Biathlon has rifle shooting on skis, in the Winter Games. Modern Pentathlon had pistol shooting in the Summer Games along with fencing, horse riding/jumping, cross country obstacle run, and swimming, until they replaced the handgun with a LAZER pointer built to look like a handgun, and lost the cross country run for two bouts of fencing.

Biathlon was made for alpine troopers. Modern Pentathlon was made for military officers. The IOC doesn't like either event.

The Seneca is the modern event where people dressed in period shooting attire and use flintlocks to run and shoot.

I had heard a few years ago that ML was being considered as an event, but it never came to be.

Got to have doubles diving.....everyone likes that right?

Muzzle loading black powder events are too slow to watch so most of the viewers would be falling asleep before they could score the targets for the final results:ghostly:

They do shoot trap & skeet using modern firearms but you only get to see the shoot-offs for medals for the same reason ZZZZZZZZZZZ-
Four decades back International Rifle Competition at 300 meters was a highly popular event but the OC saw fit to cancel it out under the auspices that it was too difficult to promote because of lack of adequate range facilities! That was total BS of the highest order. What was inadequate was the OC lack of understanding of rifle competitions past historical events. My old unit, the USAMTU at Ft. Banning sent shooters each four years and we beat the socks off the Russian shooters to a fair you well winning multiple GOLD MEDALS!!
My Father built many of the facilities at Squaw Valley for the 1960 winter Olympics. I was the first person to go off the ski jump there. had just enough snow to use the bottom 1/4 . got my rear chewed for that one. still have a scarf with the Olympic rings on it. think that's the last Olympics I watched. boy were there some babes cruising about.
I wish them well , though I won't be watching.
This last Olympic debauch certainly dulled my enthusiasm!! I'm more of a winter Olympics fan anyway.

That said, it would draw some interest due to it's unique nature. Countries could field teams in their own historical dress. There are ways to keep the action moving by having 3 or 4 shooting points for each aggregate and have shooters continuously stepping to the line for their shots. Electronic targets and scoring with visible displays after each shot illustrating individual and team standings.

I think a lot of people would watch it.

I find it very odd but at the same time not unexpected that the IOC would have an aversion to firearms competition but are all in on having men beat the manure out of women. :doh: