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I do get my eyes checked and fortunately have no other problems with them. I had the cataract removed from my left eye today. As they settle down and stabilize, I should only need reading and maybe shooting glasses. Right now it's eye drops and don't rub or lean over.

The two big ones came on suddenly a couple of years ago. I also have squiggly lines and "dust". If one looks straight ahead and doesn't move the eyes, the brain adjusts and sees behind the floaters causing them to "disappear". Right now I can live with the ones I have but I still don't like it. And any day above the dirt is a good one. I just want to live long enough to really get on the nerves of those people who have been mean to me. That happens automatically if you simply survive well into your dotage. :applause:
I've had them for years. Fortunately, mine are fairly small and not very many of them. They kinda sneak up on me once in a while and I start swatting at small flying creatures near my head :haha:.

Eye-doc told me a few years ago not to be concerned too much as they often seem to be absorbed/break up and disappear . . . of course they also often times come back. Just ignore them but wouldn't hurt to see the doc again if they do really bother you.
Hanshi, good luck with the eye. I had mine done about 8-9 years ago and have been very happy with the result. Are you having the other eye done in a couple of weeks. Both of my eye had them, but the right eye was worse. It is also my dominant eye.
Have had them for a few years at least, they're not an issue really as of yet, the raging tinnitus is far more troublesome.

I'll be 50 soon.
Kinda. There are small "bleeds" in the eye (bad) that cause "floaters" and there are also fibers that are just age related.

If you see flashes that look like fireworks in the edges of your vision that's a sign of pulling of the gel on the retina and may warn if retinal detachment. That can be brought on with fiercely recoiling guns.
Stumpkiller said:
Kinda. There are small "bleeds" in the eye (bad) that cause "floaters" and there are also fibers that are just age related.

If you see flashes that look like fireworks in the edges of your vision that's a sign of pulling of the gel on the retina and may warn if retinal detachment. That can be brought on with fiercely recoiling guns.

No fireworks, just black squiggly lines and occasional dark spots, Though I spent considerable time practicing my bench technique I always shied away from magnumitis, .35 Whelen/.45-70 was about as "punchy" as I ever wanted.

Fast forward to the future and a .62 flintlock trade gun with 70gr 2f is about tops.

Must just be getting old

Make SURE you are not diabetic. Untreated it will cause very bad results with your eyes.

I was wrongly not diagnosed as diabetic for more that 8 years. [lawsuit ongoing] for all the good that will do.

Diabetes will cause wet macular degeneration and cause blood vessels to grow in you eyes. My eyes almost made me blind due to it. The retinal specialist said I had about 6 months to the no return point.

2 years with drug injections at $3000 each eye every month and laser surgery I have 20/25 in my right eye and 20/60 in my left. I was 20/15 in both before.

My right eye has responded to treatment while my left eye has not. Trying new drug and will be trying other so the laser can get rid of the vessels trying to rebuild in the eye will sop putting out damaging hormones building more. ALL due to high BLOOD SUGAR.

Do not play with your vision fear of going blind is very bad.
I finally had the left eye done Monday and the vision in that eye is also very good. I guess I can live with floaters but prefer not to. I'm using reading glasses to type this.
Not diabetic, got lucky in that respect.

Already wearing progressive bi-focal lens though, never thought I'd see that day either.

Figured after the way I treated myself over the years that there would be a price to pay and I would not get out of this life unscathed