I do get my eyes checked and fortunately have no other problems with them. I had the cataract removed from my left eye today. As they settle down and stabilize, I should only need reading and maybe shooting glasses. Right now it's eye drops and don't rub or lean over.
The two big ones came on suddenly a couple of years ago. I also have squiggly lines and "dust". If one looks straight ahead and doesn't move the eyes, the brain adjusts and sees behind the floaters causing them to "disappear". Right now I can live with the ones I have but I still don't like it. And any day above the dirt is a good one. I just want to live long enough to really get on the nerves of those people who have been mean to me. That happens automatically if you simply survive well into your dotage. :applause:
The two big ones came on suddenly a couple of years ago. I also have squiggly lines and "dust". If one looks straight ahead and doesn't move the eyes, the brain adjusts and sees behind the floaters causing them to "disappear". Right now I can live with the ones I have but I still don't like it. And any day above the dirt is a good one. I just want to live long enough to really get on the nerves of those people who have been mean to me. That happens automatically if you simply survive well into your dotage. :applause: