For all you "Indian" Haters?

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Jan 2, 2022
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Indian made muskets that is. The two most popular arguments against Indian made muskets are #1 "they are unsafe" and #2 they are not "American made". So..... My question is....WHERE CAN I and my SAR Compatriots and fellow re-enactors get / buy / acquire "AMERICAN MADE" reproduction Brown Bess & Charleville and other military style muskets?
This IS NOT meant to be a discussion on whether Indian made muskets are safe or not (but surely someone who can't read will try to make it so).
I really would like to know if there is a source out there for American made muskets of any kind. The closest I've found is The Rifle Shoppe (believe they just supply raw parts) and Clay Smith and a few builders on CLA website who can make fowler, hunting and trade guns that can be converted / used as Colonial Militia / Committee of Safety Muskets but that's all I have found.
I would appreciate if someone out there who knows of someone making these would let me know.
Thanks for reading post.
TDY ☠️
Indian made muskets that is. The two most popular arguments against Indian made muskets are #1 "they are unsafe" and #2 they are not "American made". So..... My question is....WHERE CAN I and my SAR Compatriots and fellow re-enactors get / buy / acquire "AMERICAN MADE" reproduction Brown Bess & Charleville and other military style muskets?
This IS NOT meant to be a discussion on whether Indian made muskets are safe or not (but surely someone who can't read will try to make it so).
I really would like to know if there is a source out there for American made muskets of any kind. The closest I've found is The Rifle Shoppe (believe they just supply raw parts) and Clay Smith and a few builders on CLA website who can make fowler, hunting and trade guns that can be converted / used as Colonial Militia / Committee of Safety Muskets but that's all I have found.
I would appreciate if someone out there who knows of someone making these would let me know.
Thanks for reading post.
TDY ☠️
No idea what SAR is only like me Search & Rescue ? . Ah' Sons of revolt war ' Now that fits better Ime sorry I cant help you in your quest other than Indian or Italian ones I don't know any other except custom makers There was some conversation about Kibler producing one suitable , but that might just be wish full thinking , Though it would prouve popular I'de assess .
Regards Rudyard
Indian made muskets that is. The two most popular arguments against Indian made muskets are #1 "they are unsafe" and #2 they are not "American made". So..... My question is....WHERE CAN I and my SAR Compatriots and fellow re-enactors get / buy / acquire "AMERICAN MADE" reproduction Brown Bess & Charleville and other military style muskets?
This IS NOT meant to be a discussion on whether Indian made muskets are safe or not (but surely someone who can't read will try to make it so).
I really would like to know if there is a source out there for American made muskets of any kind. The closest I've found is The Rifle Shoppe (believe they just supply raw parts) and Clay Smith and a few builders on CLA website who can make fowler, hunting and trade guns that can be converted / used as Colonial Militia / Committee of Safety Muskets but that's all I have found.
I would appreciate if someone out there who knows of someone making these would let me know.
Thanks for reading post.
TDY ☠️
Probably not the best section to ask in, might get more and better answers elsewhere on this forum..

You are correct, someone will ignore most of your post and turn this into a debate and rant.

I'm assuming you aren't not looking for custom builders building one gun at a time. If you are, or at least want to learn what is involved in building one and getting it truly correct,,, go down to the gun building section and look for posts from @dave_person
If nothing else reading his posts on building a Bess and defarbing production versions will give you an idea if what is wrong with the production versions and why custom built ones are so expensive and hard to come by.
Probably not the best section to ask in, might get more and better answers elsewhere on this forum..

You are correct, someone will ignore most of your post and turn this into a debate and rant.

I'm assuming you aren't not looking for custom builders building one gun at a time. If you are, or at least want to learn what is involved in building one and getting it truly correct,,, go down to the gun building section and look for posts from @dave_person
If nothing else reading his posts on building a Bess and defarbing production versions will give you an idea if what is wrong with the production versions and why custom built ones are so expensive and hard to come by.
Thanks Brokennock. I know what is involved with building guns. What I don't know is how to post on this forum and who in the states will build muskets.
Thanks Brokennock. I know what is involved with building guns. What I don't know is how to post on this forum and who in the states will build muskets.
@dave_person would be my 1st choice. Not to slight anyone else, there are others too numerous for my meager memory to retain who have great talent, @rich pierce and @davec2 come quickly to mind. But when it comes to British guns and guns built by British influenced builders in the New England Colonies Mr. Person is the 1st to come to mind. It isn't just what goes into building them, it is also the research men like him put into the endeavor.

If you go through the gun building section you will find others. Both with there own topic threads and replying to some if Dave's.
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But just in case they do, here is something that should put the argument to bed once and for all: http://www.middlesexvillagetrading....tory_articles/Indian_muskets_and_safety.shtml

In fact this company, which appears to be US based, has lots of very nice goodies for sale.
If you want to wait years with little to no communication. He has a FEW things ready to go, but most items are "made to order" and are (wait for it...) customized Indian imports.
there are also many horror stories on here about middlesex.....not so sure wether I would deal with them
I will certainly check this out further, thanks.
If you want to wait years with little to no communication. He has a FEW things ready to go, but most items are "made to order" and are (wait for it...) customized Indian imports.
If what he claims in the link I posted is true, the Indian Import thing doesn't bother me that much.
Made in the USA? Neither of your musket examples were made in the USA because it didn't exist at the time.
Bess was English-made and Charlesville was in France.
One of the unfortunate aspects of our sport is it’s generally unpopular. It’s a very small amount of people worldwide that want a Potsdam or. Spanish Napoleonic musket.
Nor can you get the parts on Track of the wolf
India alone provides a wide variety of guns just not available anywhere else. To get a bench copy of many types of guns will cost ten times the price of an Indian.
If you get a 1766 Charley from it don’t be a perfect copy, but it’s as close to an original as an Italian Ie: different
So if you want a real copy of a 1766 you can’t get it unless it’s made to order.
Are the differences between a repo from India or Italy worth the cost of a custom? That’s just a personal choice
Indian made muskets that is. The two most popular arguments against Indian made muskets are #1 "they are unsafe" and #2 they are not "American made". So..... My question is....WHERE CAN I and my SAR Compatriots and fellow re-enactors get / buy / acquire "AMERICAN MADE" reproduction Brown Bess & Charleville and other military style muskets?
This IS NOT meant to be a discussion on whether Indian made muskets are safe or not (but surely someone who can't read will try to make it so).
I really would like to know if there is a source out there for American made muskets of any kind. The closest I've found is The Rifle Shoppe (believe they just supply raw parts) and Clay Smith and a few builders on CLA website who can make fowler, hunting and trade guns that can be converted / used as Colonial Militia / Committee of Safety Muskets but that's all I have found.
I would appreciate if someone out there who knows of someone making these would let me know.
Thanks for reading post.
TDY ☠️
American made=American money, and in quantities of plenty!
Indian made muskets that is. The two most popular arguments against Indian made muskets are #1 "they are unsafe" and #2 they are not "American made". So..... My question is....WHERE CAN I and my SAR Compatriots and fellow re-enactors get / buy / acquire "AMERICAN MADE" reproduction Brown Bess & Charleville and other military style muskets?
This IS NOT meant to be a discussion on whether Indian made muskets are safe or not (but surely someone who can't read will try to make it so).
I really would like to know if there is a source out there for American made muskets of any kind. The closest I've found is The Rifle Shoppe (believe they just supply raw parts) and Clay Smith and a few builders on CLA website who can make fowler, hunting and trade guns that can be converted / used as Colonial Militia / Committee of Safety Muskets but that's all I have found.
I would appreciate if someone out there who knows of someone making these would let me know.
Thanks for reading post.
TDY ☠️
If you did not want to rehash the debate - why not just say that you are determined to buy or want only an American made musket - nothing wrong with that. Don't make a comment about safety and hide behind the "NOT meant to be a discussion on whether Indian made muskets are safe or not and then the arrogant "(but surely someone who can't read will try to make it so) follow up.
I can say nothing good or bad about Middlesex, unfortunately I’ve just heard bad about them. Love their web page, but they are all reworked Indian guns
I have two Middlesex guns, a Bess carbine and a double barreled pistol. Both are indeed reworked Indian guns and work well. He does good work, but the last time I tried to get aholed of him I could'nt. I gave up after a bunch of calls and Emails.