All excited.... got up early and got my stuff together (shower, coffee, wallet, checkbook) and I'm all ready to go. Kissed the wife off to work and as soon as she passed the mailbox, I was shuffling my daughter into the car-seat, Sesame Street in the DVD player, and away we went. Five miles from the house we hit a 4 mile back up on the beltway. No problem, took a little back road and 15 minutes later we're back on track. Get on Hwy 70 and check engine like comes on !!! Pull over and give a quick look and everything's fine. About 20 minute later the radio quits and the DVD stops doing it's thing. Only one thing it could be.... the alternator. (insert your favorite string of curse words) Spent an hour and half on the off ramp with a ANGRY 2 year old. I had to call a cab and a tow truck because daughter needed to be strapped in her seat. Got the car fixed at the local Advanced Auto and got back home a little while ago...... So everyone that went.... tell me all about it but try not to rub it in. :winking: