I have not been on this forum very long and I am enjoying it very much and learning a lot of things. Maybe this is a subject addressed before but I would like to recommend to the folks that they take a look at the Fox Fire series of books that came out years ago and are a compilation of folk lore and facts covering a range of everyday mountian life in Appalacia. I believe that they were compiled by young people from several universities and centered on them interviewing people who still practiced or had knowledge of how things were done in the "old days". They include a great piece on rifle making. I recall that one of the gun makeres used old files for frizzens and there was a fascinating piece on how to "freshen" a barrel. Not to mention hide tanning, mountian medacine and just a host of other interesting topics that are a perfect fit for this forum. In fact, I am going to see if I can't find a resource for these books and buy them with my Christmas money.