Fragged Caps Jam Cylinder's Rotation?

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40 Cal.
Apr 19, 2011
Reaction score
I have a Uberti, .36 cal, Navy revolver - with Ampro #11 nipples. I'm using Remington #11 caps. The caps fit fine - no pinching required and they go on snugly and easily. 20g, 3F loads.

About four out of six caps frag. About two of the four that frag tend to jam the cylinder's rotation. Is there a way to prevent this, or is it par for the course?
You need smaller flash holes in the nipples. Then less pressure gets blown back to the camps.
I'd try CCI caps. The Ampco nipples do have a very small hole so I don't believe blow back is the issue.
I had an 1851 .36 back in the 70's that was bad about doing that. I got in the habit of tilting it back when cocking it, so the cap fragments would fall out. Worked most of the time. If I was on some kind of firing line, I couldn't point it backwards, so I would point it straight up and shake it. Ya, it's a pain in the you know what. Back then, we mostly had cheap Italian caps, so couldn't try a better grade of caps. Maybe changing to better caps will help the problem. If not, try the tilting while cocking method. Bill
I had a 1860 Army that had the same problem. Spent caps would stick to the hammer nose some times, then fall into the works when you recocked it for the next shot. I tried pointing it up to cock and even turned it sideways. Just a pain. My wife bought me a 1858 Remington Army about 15 years ago abd no more cap problems, due to Remington's design. The Colts might be a better pointer, but you better get him with the first shot.....the second one just might jam on you.
This is the reason that you don't see C&B in the Movies--Even Josey Wales used converted revolvers.

It's been said: tilt the gun up then cock the hammer for the next shot. Try changing brands--some caps always break apart on some nipples and maybe not so on others.

Always bring a back-up to a Match, just in case one gets into the "works" so that your day isn't ruined.


CAS shooting is two revolvers shot for 5 shots each at a station. You shoot 6 stations. That's 60 shots taken as fast as you can shoot. It's a timed event. The shooter who shoots the fastest is the winner. Providing you don't miss. A miss adds seconds.

If I was getting jammed caps on my Colts. I couldn't compete. I don't. Look at the Colt. Look at why the caps jam. It can be fixed. I've mentioned it so many times on this forum that i'm surprised this keeps coming up.

Once it's fixed. You have a Colt that is easier loading, more reliable, and better pointing than the Remington. Plus you don't need girly hands to shoot it. :grin:
Change the nipples and then change the caps until the problem is solved.
I suspect its nipple related.
Percussion caps and primers DETONATE. They are actually very violent. Its entirely possible the Ampcos are the cause of the cap frag due to the small hole trapping more pressure at the cap.
Also avoid "magnum" caps. Not needed.


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