FREE Percussion Caps!

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Aug 25, 2007
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OK. I'm not giving away percussion caps. Im talking about the negatives in getting them free. I often get a bag of accessories with rifles I buy. Stuff like powder horns and flasks - often full of powder, measures, round balls, and percussion caps. I am usually excited about the latter, but not always. The thing is, these things can be over 50 years old. Hard to say unless tin has a date stamp. Take these CVA "Hot Flash" caps. Not sure how old, but 1 in 2 don't go BANG! So into the garbage. Need to test my other "free" percussion caps.
Rambler, free powder and free caps and you are griping that you can only bat .500 with them. C'mon man, don't be an ingrate. Just use the good caps and quit wasting time with the duds. Better yet, save the duds for your home cap making kit. SW
I have so little to whine about these days that I have to nit pick.
I've gotten some of the red and blue plastic containers of caps and they shoot fine. Mostly in boxes of stuff at aictions. Dixie I believe, would have to look to be sure.

The old tins are neat for sure. I have a few old one I'm sure proud to own.
I was given a partial tin of very old CCI #11 caps several years ago. They came out of an old cabinet a non-shooter friend bought to repurpose. As a matter of fact just a day or two ago I finally pried the tin apart to free them. Whoever had last closed the tin wedged an old price sticker between the top and bottom of the tin. The compound in these caps looks a bit lighter in color than some fresher CCI caps I have. I'm anxious to find out if they are still good.
I was given a partial tin of very old CCI #11 caps several years ago. They came out of an old cabinet a non-shooter friend bought to repurpose. As a matter of fact just a day or two ago I finally pried the tin apart to free them. Whoever had last closed the tin wedged an old price sticker between the top and bottom of the tin. The compound in these caps looks a bit lighter in color than some fresher CCI caps I have. I'm anxious to find out if they are still good.
The primer compound more susceptible to moisture, etc. Than black powder. I am slowly working my way through 400 rounds of Belgian .45 ACP hardball that is all bad, with an alarming number of squibs. I am using an impact bullet puller and saving bullets and brass.
I was given a partial tin of very old CCI #11 caps several years ago. They came out of an old cabinet a non-shooter friend bought to repurpose. As a matter of fact just a day or two ago I finally pried the tin apart to free them. Whoever had last closed the tin wedged an old price sticker between the top and bottom of the tin. The compound in these caps looks a bit lighter in color than some fresher CCI caps I have. I'm anxious to find out if they are still good.
They worked perfectly!
Old caps tend to be more "disappointing: than "Devastating". Quite often, the priming disc has fallen completely out of the caps ..especially those carried about in a capper. Then, again, sometimes I've run across really old caps that shot just fine...??
I have some so old the little discs of priming compound have started falling out. Put the little disc back in & carefully place it on the nipple so it doesn't fall out again & they work just fine. What makes you feel real intelligent is when you forget to check & put an empty cap on the nipple.