I think a lot depends on the distance. I stood up in my tree stand to stretch, which turned out to be a good move. I was in very heavy cover and the only tree suitable for my stand, happened to be dead in the line with the deer trail. I had no more than stood up, when three does, came into view, maybe 30 yards away. The lead doe froze, when I moved the rifle into position. I knew it was now or never. I really don't like the head on shot. In fact my moto is "head on... live long".
But, the doe, now at 20yds, and standing still, I could not resist. She piled up, right there. Shot placement was very similar to NCHAWKEYE"s shot. I think experienced hunters, know when to pull the trigger. So, if the deer is close, and you feel confident, then yes it will work.