There is the ability for anyone here, who wants to do some first hand experiments, to try a gain twist for themselves.
Colerain Barrels is currently equipped to cut a gain twist barrel.
Yes, it is special order and would probably take a while to get it, but they can make one for you.
They will (typically) make a 42" barrel with a gain twist going from 1:96 (breech) to 1:48 (muzzle).
They can make with a different twist (special, special order) or vary the barrel length - although my inquiry (a couple years back now), was told that wouldn't effect the twist rate - it would just (compact) it into the shorter barrel length - so would go from 1:96 to 1:48 is 32" instead of 42" (or whatever).
At least that was how "their version" of gain twist would work.
I no longer remember the price quote that I got but do remember that it (a straight barrel) was somewhere "north" of the cost of a radius groove swamped barrel from Rice (which I did order after investigating the gain twist, and the Rice cost me "to my door", about 350 Canuck bucks when the dollar was at par).
Given that I hunt my rifles and only need minute of Bambi "extreme accuracy" is pretty low on my requirement list for a barrel. Profile and caliber are the driving factors "for me".
I am intrigued by the gain twist because it's sorta unique, but from my limited experience with it I'm not willing to pay a super premium for it and I don't feel that the "average shooter" would ever see any benefit from it.
Most of us can shoot no where as accurately as our current barrels can to start with.