Garden Grow?

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50 Cal.
Apr 13, 2005
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How does your garden grow? Everything I planted us up, but nothing is doing great. I have 24 items and only onions are doing well?????????
Things are looking pretty good....Some things are a couple weeks behind because of a late frost.
Potatoes look great and they got froze clean off, but they came back.
Corn is as tall as I am. Tomatoes look good.

The rabbit war wages on....I lost most of my cabbages, but the rabbit horde took heavy losses.. :haha: Berries are just starting to turn..

My peppers look terrible... :shake: :idunno:

Carrots look great. Most things look great..
To early to tell about cucumbers or pumpkins.

Oh! you should see my beautiful weeds... :haha:
Most of the garden looks good although many things were delayed by a cold, wet spring. The tomato plants are all fruiting out, the summer squash and cukes are really beginning to produce and the bell peppers have plenty of blooms. The salad greens are usually reliable but are stunted this year. The Italian parsley and herbs are going great.

It's not a large garden but it's only for two middle-aged people so I hope to have enough for fresh eating as well as to preserve tomatoes, make pickles and dry herbs. We're still rather new at this so any success is a pleasant surprise.

I think that we are a couple of weeks behind here in the "Fruited Plains"! Lots of blooms on the Tomato plants and cucumbers, but only the lower half of my 'mater's are setting fruit! Don't know what's a going on?? Anybody know where I can rent an old Medicine Man?
I think it was the cold spring or late frost...Most of my stuff is about 3weeks behind...
Except my Indian corn, it's 6 or 7 feet tall already.... :shocked2:

All in all....everything is looking great, the best in years. Figure I'll be digging some taters and garlic very soon.
Kansas Jake said:
When the weather gets really hot the tomatoes won't pollenate.

Tomatoes are pollinated by insects or the wind...
In Kansas or Nebraska insecticides being sprayed on agricultural crops isn't going to help your situation.
You can always hand pollinate..
Every year is so different in the Bitterroot. My leafy vegies come up late and bolt early. Potatoes usually do well but this year late. Peas look to be best in years but ????? Beans almost ready to bloom, second planting up. I think my peppers and eggplant have died??? Tomatoes very slow. I have a total of 25 items in my patch.
Clyde, I think my tomatoes are coming along OK, but mainly I am wondering about my cucumbers???

Growing good and full of flowers but don't see any little cukes coming on. Almost looks like I have only male blossoms!

Rick :confused:
Garden update:
Storm took most of my Indian corn...
A vole found my carrots and ate half of them...
If I don't get my potatoes out of the ground tomorrow they will probably rot if we get more rain.
Had a big storm the other day and it flooded one field so they are a "wash" (pun intended).
Onion crop was about 50%
Garlic was good.
Tomatoes are looking good so far...

My garden is just so so. Potatoes look good but not many in the hill. Peas (shell and sugar) did just ok but gone now. Beans are coming on. Onions the best in several years. Tomatoes a long way off yet. Voles about took over the place when snow went off this spring but I got rid of them pretty fast.
Used a product called tomcat pellets. I know some folks are down on this type of elimination, but I grew tired of having my grass and garden ruined. Don't over use. just a few pellets down their holes and runways in dry weather. Repeat as necessary. You want to see if they are eating them, not storing. I wouldn't use if dogs, cats or kids were around.
An update on my garden. Good crop with my tomatoes and have started canning them. Cukes did pretty bad this year. Nice growth early, but not many pollinated blossoms and I think the hot weather had something to do with overall picture. Been feeding the coons well, as they loved my green beans and sweet corn. Oh well?
Spent 3 days picking dry beans...Great northern and pintos...I had a bumper crop.
Now have them drying in the shed. Just starting to get tomatoes....might can some tomorrow...

I feed the coons too....Lead! :haha:

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