N.E. Missouri's gardening season's ON! Dry spell enabled crop planting & predicted storm ended up a nice rain. 3-point, 6' tiller behind my 60's little Ford 3000 got 1 1/2 acres worked up in record time. Management (wife) fell off the back porch last year, breaking her arm at the shoulder which messed up our gardening. This year, she got a heart Pacemaker, so we're good to go.
Visited our Amish nursery this week loaded up on locally-produced and therefor acclimated plants & seeds. Still have about a pickup bed of henhouse shovelings to spread and we're good to go. Good luck to everyone!
Visited our Amish nursery this week loaded up on locally-produced and therefor acclimated plants & seeds. Still have about a pickup bed of henhouse shovelings to spread and we're good to go. Good luck to everyone!