N.E. Missouri is rain, rain, rain ..tiller died ..rain. rain. rain ..did I mention Management's (wife's) tiller died? Cut to the chase. Repair of our ol' reliable Troy Bilt was 1300. New exact same (now Craftsman) was $999. We do about an acre and a half. Walk into the garden and your feet will be about the size of peck baskets. Groundhog and cottontails were eating off new plants as soon as we set them out. Groundhog is no longer a problem. Shoot. Shovel. Shut up. Bunnies? Max-The-Bassett and Herbie the deaf Chiweenie chase the same bunnies every evening but, Alas, surviving Bugs Bunnies have pre-determined routes that involve buildings and vehicles too expensive to shoot toward. What seeds we've planted are coming up nicely (along with mucho weeds).
We'll eventually "Git 'Er Done" of course, but it won't be a great year. Have Fun !!!