I was never a fan of "how to build" instruction books , that spend , (waste) , time on building jigs , and dies you really don't need to finish a gunstock build. The number of finished guns out my door , have shown , how simple modern hand tools , ie. variable speed electric drill motor with an "in body" mounted bubble level , augmented by a Dremel type tool. (My bench has four of these hanging on the side , as I hate to change bits.) , These few labor saving tools , will get the job done. .....Well ,ok , I'll admit to another forbidden , unapproved tool , used to speed installation of metal butt plates . I assist in cutting butt plate contours using a 26,000 rpm die grinder w/ a coarse round end wood rasp bit. This devise in addition with , a Dremel type tool w/ drum cutter bit , allows install of most rifle butt plates w/in an hour , if the metal plate is prepped to near final shape before starting. Jerrows inletting black , a wooden mallet , and a few regular files/rasps make butt plate installs easier. The only HOW TO book I have has been the Dixon's How to build the Pa. Long rifle. I don't agree w/ many staining , and wood finishing proceedures Greg Dixon recommends , but the book has excellent , easy to understand , artist drawn pictures , and examples. The instruction book's overall old time ambiance , is a valuable common thread from page 1 thought the entire volumn. I hope this essay was entertaining to anyone digesting it. Questions welcome. LOL to ya.