Between my two daughters and their kids (my grandkids); my youngest daughter and her two daughters love to shoot, they all have their own unmentionables, however I have only had the opportunity to take them once to the firing range to shoot BP. Each had a chance to shoot rifle, pistol, and my blunderbuss and we had a Blast! Cant wait for them to visit so we can do it again (OUTSIDE of California, on open land).
However my oldest daughter is not interested at all, her oldest is (I am ashamed to say) fully indoctrinated by her public school system, the next in line appears to really love her Grandpa and if I could get her to the range I think she'll really like it, two youngest (one girl followed by an almost 1yr old boy) still too young to hold up one of my long rifles...but I'm working on it; at least their father likes guns but dont own one - I really need to get them all Out of that Los Angeles area.
But the range sure enjoyed it when three generations showed up: Grandpa, Daughter, and Granddaughters.