Besides a full English breakfast I LOVE warm smoked kippers and eggs. And real scones with jam and cream. Crumpets with clotted cream and maybe some marmalade. With nice coffee of course...
Now I know none of these are found at Waffle House, in a trailer in tornado alley, East L.A., Detroit, southside Chicago, Harlem, a pig pen or a chicken coop but that doesn't mean they aren't wonderful.
A big difference for me personally is I know about all these things, have had them all unlike others here, and still do! And grits doesn't fit much into the equation except as a novelty. Like Sesame Street said: "one of these things is not like the other, one of these things doesn't belong."
Sure, I suppose we could all bring ourselves down to the lowest common denominator of eating livestock feed. We could all pretend that is "special" and make ourselves feel better by letting our dysfunctional parent(s) off the hook psychologically even as so many southerners continue the pattern of child abuse. However we'd still have moved a little closer to animal than man by doing so.
Oh, and adding a processed cheese product that doesn't have an expiration date doesn't change a thing...
No thanks, but Happy Thanksgiving (where there will also be no grits whatever forms of corn the New England Pilgrims may have eaten)!