Gun range

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I get it not fitting in..

At the club members do make the jokes..

I know they joke about me on the clay range 2 years ago.. who else went there with this thing. I went ounce to check my scope and two guys there told me about it the clays and I was like yea I know

Gotta dress up next.. why not. What's it like.. everyone look at you at once when you walk in.
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Not to rambling on.

State and game warden are ok with muzzloaders. We can own and hunt

What if the clubs are not.. then your stuck no way to practice in state or sight in for hunt. I wonder that. Were lucky to find a close club to begin with.

Every club I called was sponsored only so never mind can't get in.. lucky this one was good.. so I didn't ask clubs if they allowed us.
Find a new club. There are three within 20 miles of me . . . but I don't belong.

I based my home decision on being able to hunt and shoot. A luxury, for sure. But some other things were given up, and where we lived 25 years prior sucked (30 minute drive to where I hunted). I have a 100 yard cleared range in my woods. Could shoot a deer off my back deck . . . but I don't (coyotes and foxes near the chicken coops - different story). Deer love the browse in the acre pasture now used for a dog exercise run where we used to raise sheep . . . but they get a pass. Can use a local power-line right of way that clips the top of my property for 800 yards (we go back 1/2 mile from the road, but who wants to walk that far to check targets?) and a great neighbor and good friend has a 250 yard cleared range and loves any excuse to draw arms.

Maybe I just landed in tall cotton. Or maybe I spent blood, sweat and tears for decades to get a slice of what I desired.
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They have a blackpowder only range I've never seen but it's there.

I might just go there to shoot. It might only be 50 yard but whatever.
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Was in Maine for 2 years.

You could shoot out the back.. the vacationers love to call.. but the police just stop by to say hello. 🙄 I was lucky to have a Michigan plate when I was there.. there your from around there. I was from Michigan. Nothing Massachusetts. its a vacation land the locals hate.. I called them from the city... city it's. Like idiots just in city talk.
If anything talk about it.. vacationers

I just join in like a were I was those are Detroit. City its.

Made friends with the guy who had none so that put me there with the local... he was a good guy. We were near a lake surrounded by them vacation homes.. they tried to kick me out fishing one day.. I was like. No.. then I had to deal with cops.
land lord came running to join the fight I had every right to go fishing.

Grocery was more money on Maine than Massachusetts I thought.. and Michigan I never ate better.

Michigan. I was eating the deer bait was good.
Carrots and apples fresh n good 50 pound bag you eat it. Like good apples. The horse next door used to eat them on the deer.. scared me one morning

Better food less money.. no seafood.

bring fresh lobster they all want Maines lobster
when you go.. everyone's your friend anyway.. but lobster hey you in... go for the hardware store hunting permit no Walmart not online go there. General stores to are good early real early when the coffee is fresh.

Old Italians taught that... need to bring something. Usually wine homemade worked always

Good cold cuts. Bring the sandwiches
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Michigan I shot on a power line. Had l check edv the sights there.. I could have used the backyard.. but the deer bed tight there.. like they right there..

I hunted public allot there to. Like other than the buck I wasn't shooting my pets around the yard.. they new me.. so I hunted the doe on public big buck around the house.

Nice being all those places that you can shoot.. like I shot my first blackpowder pistol in MI.. in the yard grandfather in law only used them... Italian ones.. they shoot good.

Wild chickens the neighbor trained them with a Shotgun.. they stayed around but nothing got close to them..

Stepping in horse pies too... dark at night.

Had a 🔥 every night too.. cooked steaks and all.

Michigan was the best

North Carolina was just as good though...
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Norther Maine... my uncles place. Nothing there.. you could shoot in one spot it would echoes across like 3 lakes. It's not really a gun range just a neat thing... I think they have fire roads powerlines public use. You don't need a club.. don't have to go far there to find a place.

Maine I didn't care for.. but miss somethings.. like my neighbor.. a custom bow builder there had a archery course. the more you go the more taught. The guy at the golf driving range was cool to always live turkey targets there lol golf balls do nothing they shake it off.

I'd say go to Alaska if your thinking Maine. Lol

Carolina was anywhere on the farm... I guess.. but sand pit down the street better.

There was always someone had to check the gun.
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My friends old club.. he joined to hunt birds...

They had
30 yards outdoor pistol.. shotgun pattern only.. rifle sight in ONLY
Trap. Skeet
Indoor pistol one lane
And a nice BAR for the range offices..

Drunk range offercer came out yelling. Screaming going to call the cops even.... we had 3 chokes 6 different ammo..

My friend was all sorry as a member. I ripped his drunk as a new one. The Skeet guy heard ran over and was there OK.

I was... "your no range officer your a drunk". Told him good.

I got him into my club the next year you know.. I was like that's just a bar club. Close to the city.

What you tell the cops............Look guys drunk and crazy with a gun.. I'm just patterning my gun like the sighn says it's ok.. I wonder 🤔 who's side the cops would be on could go either way. There cops you know
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Maine would be a fantastic state without all the Rinos and Demo/Marxist's in the big [sorry not really big] cities. Country folk are fine most guys I know are solid 2nd amendment supporters and all hate the flatlanders [people from away]

Mine and my DW families are from Down East left to escape the depression. The went to enemy territory where my DW and I corrected in 1985. My best friend as a young teen was a country boy in the area I stayed as a youngster. His Mom was a fantastic woman who raised 5 daughters [two whores, three great wives and mothers] and 1 son after the father died.

When staying with him and his family her Rule was: No local girl friends. Date and chase the summer girls as the go home after Labor day Preggers or not never to hear from again.

She was a very wise women that I loved as my mother.
I worked in a rich place community in Maine ounce. I mean rich. It's out of place kinda. Got a job with a fancy one man company he was one of the best I've met though. So good work but he was learning people hired him. They were always like who am I. Allot had guns out around the house.. we sl could have pretend to be family. That would have worked. Brother-in-law

It's hard to fit into work man.. it's not that there lazy. you work yourself out of a job and everyone else

Like if it's a 3 month job.. don't finish it in two.

It's simple to learn.. nothing do almost nothing Monday and nothing on Friday but try to look good. So 3 day work week. That's gets you 👍 with the crowd. Do good work 3 days just a days work no more no less.


The guys from there no joke do go to you for help and everything to learn but on the same note it'splease don't work me out of a job.
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I used to have the luxury of a gun range at our vacation house.

How many are lucky to have it in the backyard state?

Or a club member like me now. We need a place to sight in and all you know. There's nothing public no powerline or sand pits.

I like the club I had both growing up.

I miss my range. You know
I know I'm lucky as I live on club grounds ,1700 acres / 2 stocked ponds /2 ranges I can walk to or 4 wheel too. Short is 200 yard (actually 190 but whos counting) and long is 800 yds . I can shoot anytime I want and hunting /trapping ain't bad either ,deer/turkey/ and a 300+ bear the other nite on camera (tore up my bird feeders) . 65 members own a share but only 12 live on site so never crowded , hunting /shooting/target (all day every day) life is good/Ed
Wow 😆 renewed gun cub.

Found primitive camp and gun range.. middle of the woods. No one there. Couple game cams lol

It's nice. Better if the wife and kids want to go.