The squirrels in this "infernal machine" seem to be
running pretty good right now.
Here's a pic (scan) of those trade points I made
based on those originals. I did not heat-treat
them. I just "chiselled" them out, filed the edges
sharp, filed those two notches on the side, then
drilled that center hole. Any heat-treat is
whatever was in the original whiskey barrel band -
probably nothing. But I wanted to duplicate what
could have been made by an Indian with just a
hammer/chisel and file - except for that center
hole. The people who made those original trade
points most likely did the same thing - bought the
iron bar, cut the wedges, filed the edges, and
drilled/punched that center hole to string them up
in bunches for shipping and trade to the Indians.
Servicable arrowheads. But not up to modern razor-sharp broadhead standards. The original string
of trade points had 25 in the string. I only have
23 here - must have sold a couple.
Mikey - that grumpy ol' German blacksmith out in the Hinterlands