Years back Vice Grip made a nice, small multi tool. Locking pliers, two screwdriver bits, knife blade. Fits easily in your pocket. I keep one in my desk. Saved me a lot of trips to the basement for my toolbox. Keep one in my rangebox too.
I use a large tackle box with tools and cleaning gear. The bp stuff is in two .50 ammo cans ( one for flint, one cap) it’s neat, organized and efficient so long as I bring the correct ammo can (goofed that up a couple of times until I labeled them)I've accumulated a lot of parts, supplies and gee-gaws over the past 45 years. If I pack it all up to take along to the range, I'd need a helper to haul it from truck to shooting bench.
Long ago I decided to brekdown all that junk into groups by type of gune in use. I have bags (zipper nylon lunch bags are perfect) for muzzlelpoading rifle with flint, caps, powder measures, balls and patches. The nipple wrenches and other pistol accessories are in another bag, and the wads, TOW, musket flints, shot and bigger balls go into a smoothbore bag. My field bag contains only what is needed for the particular rifle or musket I'll be using, and contains only appropriate powder measures, materials and tools for the day.
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