When I got into BP over 30 years ago we didn't have internet and I didn't really know anybody that had muzzleloaders. Well, except for a few guys at work that shot inlines. I knew I didn't want that, so I kept an eye out at the few local gun shops. So I wasn't worried (and truthfully never thought) about being HC. I just wanted to make smoke. Still don't worry at all about that, although I do appreciate all the beautiful HC rifles many folks have. The way I see it they are all, at least, at the basic level of HC. If your only gun is a CVA Bobcat you still pour a measure of powder down the barrel. Then you push a lubed and patched ball down. Then you either cap it or put powder in the pan. You're still getting the same experience those guys long ago did, as well as the guys shooting HC today. I have great respect for you guys that go all out for the sake of being HC, so my opinion there in no way is meant as an insult to you guys. When I was working for other folks I never had time to worry about being HC. I was just thankful to get the occasional day off to hunt or shoot. Now that I work for myself I'm getting a little more HC, but it still isn't a huge concern. So to answer the original question, although I now do have a couple of HC guns, yes, I've bought many a gun just because I liked the way they looked.