Well I used Crisco for years and never had a problem but to be honest I would be at a range and load the cylinder, grease the ends of the chambers, and shoot all six rounds without ever checking the ends of the chambers to see if the Crisco was still there. It was a messy business and after years of putting up with it I switched to the pre-lubed wads for that reason alone. Maybe the problem is with Crisco and not other lubes, or maybe those that have had the lube melt/burn off the remaining chamber ends before they are fired used a different type lube. I'm comfortable with both but now a days I like the wads simply because they are easier to use. I also carry a 36 Navy once in a while while deer hunting with the idea the revolver is good for rabbits, etc and in a really hot climate the Crisco can at least partially run out of a holstered gun and stain the holster- another reason I use the wads. I have a feeling there is probably a lot better lube than the Crisco I used. The Robert E. Lee Navy that is frequently discussed- if I recall the chamber ends were filled with something akin to red sealing wax.